frunze dovlatyan (1927 - 1997) is one of the leading armenian directors,he has started as actor in armenian provincial theatres since 1941 and then sundukyan drama theatre of yerevan where he was awarded stalin premium (major award of that time) for the role of hrair in the play "these stars are ours". after graduating the directing department of vgik (master class of sergei g...
l>o<l@@@2008-08-25 16:28:41@@@Barev,yes em!@@@1@@@这篇影评可能有剧透 1966年获嘎纳金棕榈提名的《嗨,是我!》曾被帕拉杰诺夫誉为最好的亚美尼亚电影之一。故事讲述物理学家阿托姆想在战后的埃里温建一座实验室,他把自己完全投入到工作中直到有一天一个神秘女人的出现,她告诉他有关他的旧友和恋人已在战争中死去的消息,激起了一段他试图忘却的... (展开)@@@