2010 kitchen odyssey



Set in the future, a computer programmer named Zeebo has just finished creating the first versions of his digital personalities that will be used by the Home Systems Corporation to give computers, appliances, bank machines and other devices more human-like personalities. While developing the code for the personalities, Zeebo learns from his digital personal assistant Simone of an anti-computer terrorist group called the "Pink Bunny Brigade" and its leader "The King Bunny" who have threatened the lives of all engineers who will not immediately stop programming machines. The slightly deranged King Bunny warns of an age where the human race will be taken over by artificial intelligent machines in his "they keep going and going" manifesto. As Zeebo continues to test his newly developed digital personalities on his own appliances hurrying towards a launch deadline, he realizes some of the advanced features he has thrown into these digital beings are causing them to have "minds of their own...

上映地区 美国
上映时间 2005-04-22
中文名 2010:a kitchen odyssey
分集名 a
原始名称 2010: A Kitchen Odyssey
名称 2010 kitchen odyssey
外文名 2010:a kitchen odyssey
年份 2005
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
系列名 2010 kitchen odyssey
  • 喜剧
  • 惊悚
  • 科幻