3 minutes to impact



there is abundant evidence that comets and asteroids have bombarded earth and other planets in the past, and it is statistically probable that objects from space will continue to hit the earth in the future. this documentary looks at the history of past impacts and near-misses (some of which have been caught on camera!), the likelihood of an impact large enough to endanger human life on earth, the effects of such a catastrophic collision, and what (if anything) we can do to prevent it.

上映地区 中国大陆
中文名 3 minutes to impact
原始名称 3 Minutes to Impact
名称 3 minutes to impact
国家 英国
地区 英国
外文名 3 minutes to impact
子类型 记录片
片长 92分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
英文名 3 minutes to impact