jamie leigh wolbert was born and raised in beatrice, nebraska on april 10th, 1987. she was a big tomboy growing up and loved to play sports especially softball. she has played the sport since the age of 7. at the age of 7, an audition for to wong foo, thanks for everything! julie newmar was posted in the local newspaper.
中文名 | jamie leigh wolbert |
出生地 | 美国,内布拉斯加州,比阿特丽斯 |
出生日期 | 1987-04-10 |
别名 | wolbey ,jamers |
外文名 | 演员1987-04-10169cm |
年龄 | 32 |
性别 | 男 |
星座 | 白羊 |
身份 | 演员 |
身高 | 169cm |
Alias | jamie leigh wolbert |
Extra | jamie leigh wolbert |
Name | jamie leigh wolbert |
原始名称 | Jamie Leigh Wolbert |
名称 | jamie leigh wolbert |