


The film takes on a journey through the love story of Ram (Dhanush) and Janani (Shruthi) who are 12th standard students and eventually falls in love with each other. As they grow up, so does their affinity for each other, and despite opposition from the elders, they tie the knot. When they start a fresh life, problems start to grow up. Apart from the usual misunderstanding difficulties that newly-married couples would face, this is of a different kind. Ram is forced to take a decision in that problematic situation. What follows is an emotional tale.

上映地区 印度
上映时间 2012-03-30
中文名 拉姆和简娜尼
别名 moonu
原始名称 拉姆和简娜尼
国家 印度
地区 印度
外文名 3
导演 aishwarya dhanush
年份 2012
片长 145分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
编剧 aishwarya dhanush
英文名 3
豆瓣短评数量 8
豆瓣长评数量 0

the film takes on a journey through the love story of ram (dhanush) and janani (shruthi) who are 12th standard students and eventually falls in love with each other. as they grow up,so does their affinity for each other,and despite opposition from the elders,they tie the knot. when they start a fresh life,problems start to grow up. apart from the usual misunderstanding diff...

  • 剧情
  • 悬疑
  • 惊悚
  • 爱情
  • 科幻
  • 评论
  • 一枝花儿@@@@@前半段点赞,丹努什演技杠杠滴。。后面转的让人无语~~
  • 寻音@@@@@歌舞很赞,施卢蒂公主的美颜真养眼,屌丝型的丹努总能演出深情帅气的小生范还真不容易。对于情节我已无力吐槽,尤其后半段不断出现的引人喷狗血的桥段。
  • 语言
  • 北印度语
  • 印度语
  • 泰卢固语
  • 泰米尔语
  • 豆瓣短评
  • ye_lingyun@@@2017-05-31@@@1@@@前半部分花式虐狗,后半部韩剧路线,还加了点恐怖元素
  • 一枝花儿@@@2014-03-31@@@0@@@前半段点赞,丹努什演技杠杠滴。。后面转的让人无语~~
  • 光影人生@@@2016-08-31@@@0@@@看了开头就知道大部分剧情的电影!女主很可爱……♥
  • 溪风……何处@@@2019-08-15@@@0@@@我喜欢印度歌舞
  • 荀寻询@@@2018-11-01@@@0@@@整部电影一半是笑,一半是哭,有点牵强,真心接受不来这样的情节