


这是凯伦和理查德的拥护者重要的一年,这一年卡朋特歌迷会成立。歌迷会成为世界各地近万名歌迷的官方的咨询来源。歌迷得悉凯伦喜爱意大利面条、水果色拉茄子和排骨;理查德休闲之余喜欢看科幻电影;凯伦喜欢马和动物标本。他们的第三张大碟在这年发行,理所当然地称之为《卡朋特》,不同的是,首发订单就达到百万美元,可谓“发了大财”,更成为全国大碟发行的第二名,在整个半年的时间内,稳坐前十名的宝座。更产生了三首百万畅销金曲:“超级巨星”、“为我们所知的一切”和“雨天和周一”。该年获三项格莱美提名,荣获大碟《卡朋特》的最佳演唱奖。12月,他们获得美国艺术家协会颁发的“年度最佳音乐组合”,此项大奖在CBS特别节目中由艾德·沙立文颁发。卡朋特歌迷也赠送出自己最爱的圣诞礼物,如:“伤害彼此”(1972年12月31日发行),成为他们第六首黄金单曲和第四次冠军歌曲。 by Bruce Eder This is where the duo began running a little short of material for albums, having raided many of the song catalogs with which the Carpenters were most familiar on their two previous LPs -- although it didn't seem it to anyone at the time except Richard Carpenter, since there were three hit singles present that ensured the album's popularity: "For All We Know," the huge-selling "Superstar" (done on the first take because it was a little uncertain how comfortable Karen Carpenter would be with the sexually suggestive lyrics to the Leon Russell song), and "Rainy Days and Mondays." The unusual jacket design, like an invitation with a decorative picture of the duo (similar to a graduation photo), seemed to go over well with older listeners while not repelling teens, which is lost in the transformation to CD packaging. In retrospect, Carpenters is a very MOR album -- "Superstar" aside, its influences are more pop than rock, and any of the duo's original interest in jazz is long gone as well. The Bacharach/David medley, in particular, was distinctly more appealing to the over-30 set than to teenage listeners, and "Saturday" made them few new friends.

Alias carpenters
Extra carpenters
Name carpenters
原始名称 Carpenters
发行时间 1971-05-14
名称 carpenters
收藏数 355
歌手 carpenters
类别 录音室专辑
语言 英语
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  • carpenters的专辑
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  • 风格
  • rock
  • 轻摇滚 soft rock