james c· leary



james c. leary,james leary's television credits include a two-year stint as clem, the loose-skinned demon on the critically acclaimed hit buffy the vampire slayer starring sarah michelle gellar. james turned the original five-line part at the beginning of season six into a regular recurring role and was soon a fan favorite.

中文名 james c. leary
原始名称 James C. Leary
名称 james c· leary
外文名 演员183cm
导演作品 the cabonauts
身份 演员
身高 183cm
  • los beltrán
  • server life
  • 归来记 第一季
  • lovers,liars and lunatics
  • the cabonauts
  • unemployed
  • 别名

    james charles leary , james leary , jim leary

  • the cabonauts的导演
  • 导演
  • 影视明星
  • 明星