


Otar Iosseliani recounts the lives of the monks of the Sant'Antimo abbey in Castelnuovo dell'abate, near Montalcino near Siena in Tuscany Father André Forest, Father Etienne Roze, Father Olivier Nelle, Brother Emmanuel Roze, Brother Jean-Charles Leroy. The film begins with this sentence: "If we want to know what value are the goods of the Earth, consider them the bed of death: these honors, these entertainments, these riches we will be removed one day. We must therefore work to sanctify ourselves and enrich ourselves with the only links that follow us in eternity "(St. Alphonsus Liguori). Then another text appears: "Here ends the first part of this film, the sequel will be shot in twenty years in this same place and with the same characters". It is a strange film since it is almost a documentary and it focuses much more on the work of the peasants than the life of the monastery

上映地区 意大利
上映时间 2003-11-22
中文名 托斯卡纳的小修道院
别名 托斯卡的小修道院
原始名称 托斯卡纳的小修道院
国家 法国
地区 法国
子类型 纪录片
片长 53min
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
语言 法语
豆瓣短评数量 10
豆瓣评分 7.3
豆瓣评论人数 48
豆瓣长评数量 0

otar iosseliani recounts the lives of the monks of the sant'antimo abbey in castelnuovo dell'abate,near montalcino near siena in tuscany father andré forest,father etienne roze,father olivier nelle,brother emmanuel roze,brother jean-charles leroy. the film begins with this sentence:"if we want to know what value are the goods of the earth,consider them the bed of death:...


un petit monastère en toscane

  • otar iosseliani
  • 奥塔·埃索里亚尼
  • 年份
  • 1988
  • 2003
  • 评论
  • dionysius@@@@@奥斯丁会修士日常
  • ecclesia-dom@@@@@托斯卡纳乡间静谧的小修道院,天主教的隐修传统。
  • mongolialong@@@@@又一牛片,非常喜欢。
  • 陆支羽@@@@@虽为纪录,却充溢着奥塔式叙事格调,各种农忙围猎、集会布道、篝火群舞,一如时空洞穿的祷念。ps:幢幢肃穆如德莱叶,栩栩机俏如奥塔。
  • 黑森@@@@@有时觉得蛮后现代的。发散,像品钦的小说。
  • 豆瓣短评
  • mongolialong@@@2008-02-20@@@0@@@又一牛片,非常喜欢。
  • 胤祥@@@2018-08-20@@@0@@@奥塔大爷在FR3的电视纪录片(还在威尼斯混了三个奖!UNESCO奖也是不要太合适!)。神来之笔地把农民生活和修士生活做了个平行蒙太奇,宗教与日常生活的并置达到了很有趣的对人类生存状态的表述。另外就是他真的能把各种地方的歌唱都拍出格鲁吉亚无伴奏混声合唱的效果……总之比他上一部电视纪录片有意思多了。片尾说“再过二十年再拍一部”,不过看来是坑了……
  • 陆支羽@@@2011-09-22@@@1@@@虽为纪录,却充溢着奥塔式叙事格调,各种农忙围猎、集会布道、篝火群舞,一如时空洞穿的祷念。PS:幢幢肃穆如德莱叶,栩栩机俏如奥塔。
  • 黑森@@@2008-04-23@@@0@@@有时觉得蛮后现代的。发散,像品钦的小说。