


For 35 years Doña Flor has worked as a clerk in a government office. Each day she attends dozens of people who sit across from her and hand her their documents. For 35 years she has been invisible to these people, a mere cog in the machine. She has grown so accustomed to this invisibility that she seems to have become invisible even to herself except for the brief pause at the pool each day where she watches the children swim and remembers her daughter. One morning Doña Flor awakens to find her cat has died in the night. Unable to accept the loss of her sole companion, Doña Flor tries to continue her routine as always, but the loss opens up the much deeper wound left by the downing of her daughter. She decides to swim seeking solace in the water, but finds herself paralyzed by fear. As Doña Flor faces her fear of the water, she faces her of life. One day in the shower room another woman unexpectedly washes her back in a simple gesture of compassion that resuscitates her. "Everything Else" is a poetic and lyrical story about a woman's second coming of age as she reawakens to her self at sixty-three.

Mtime评分 暂无评分
上映地区 美国
上映时间 2016
中文名 隐形之人
主演 艾德里安娜·巴拉扎
别名 everything else
原始名称 隐形之人
国家 墨西哥
地区 墨西哥
外文名 todo lo demás
子类型 剧情
导演 natalia almada
年份 2016
摄影 lorenzo hagerman
演员 艾德里安娜·巴拉扎
片长 98分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
编剧 natalia almada
表演 艾德里安娜·巴拉扎/doña flor
角色 doña flor
评论 0 条影评
语言 西班牙语
豆瓣短评数量 13
豆瓣长评作者 ziggy|@|杨子汇
豆瓣长评数量 2
豆瓣长评时间 2018-07-14
豆瓣长评标题 【翻译】看不见的女人 |@|隐形之人
豆瓣长评赞数 5 |@| 1

for 35 years doña flor has worked as a clerk in a government office. each day she attends dozens of people who sit across from her and hand her their documents. for 35 years she has been invisible to these people,a mere cog in the machine. she has grown so accustomed to this invisibility that she seems to have become invisible even to herself except for the brief pause at the ...

  • Fionaāáǎà@@@2017-06-13@@@0@@@漫溢的孤独感和内心困境。灯光走廊 和 一些拍摄角度,比如地铁站的俯视视角 好评。
  • 威廉宋@@@2016-10-16@@@2@@@一定得标记下这部电影,一个老大娘出来对着售票员说:"This is a hour and thirty nine minute of nothing happening..." But I liked it
  • 字母君@@@2017-06-12@@@1@@@孤独是什么体验?没人记得我的名字,没人愿意跟我搭话。上班迟到没人发现,周围一切乃至暴力都与我无关,感应灯也对我爱理不不理。给别人添堵只为换来片刻注视,连改变的尝试都被地震打断。(处理得确实很让娜迪尔曼)
  • 狗吃了乸哿罛䖆@@@2017-06-12@@@0@@@墨西哥
  • 西天黄@@@2017-06-12@@@2@@@不知道这一百分钟我都在干啥,可能是在体会时间的绵延吧,或者是听旁边座大哥吃爆米花?有很多所谓“离心崩溃”构图,固定机位和长镜头是特点。西语名真好,Todo Lo Demàs,多余的人,或者,剩下的人?越看越害怕孤独终老,好不容易在拥挤的公车上买了一张情歌专辑,只能自己抱着枕头跳舞
  • 豆瓣长评
  • Ziggy@@@2018-07-14 13:46:56@@@【翻译】看不见的女人@@@5@@@导演Natalia Almada自述。原文:https://www.talkhouse.com/the-invisible-woman/ 2018年5月4日 Doña Flor最有别于人的特点是她的肉色丝袜。那是一幅自打我孩提时代便伴随着我的图景——我坐在祖母那布满镜子的换衣间的米色地毯上,她在那多重的反射里站着,从胸部到脚趾满... (展开)@@@https://movie.douban.com/review/9515504/@@@https://img1.doubanio.com/icon/u2180546-8.jpg
  • 杨子汇@@@2017-06-13 11:17:15@@@隐形之人@@@1@@@记得以前徐浩峰老师说过:老人和小孩都代表一个城市的意向。故事中的女人也是如此。 电影要在大荧幕上看。我喜欢坐在荧幕的第二排,而不是人们认为的中间的位置。这个位置可以感觉画面迎面扑来的真实感,仿佛里面的所有事物就在你的身边。 而当女主角垂老的面部特写一次次的长... (展开)@@@https://movie.douban.com/review/8599259/@@@https://img3.doubanio.com/icon/u3363668-20.jpg