


In this bizarre world of distorted human pleasures, we have come to accept the most heinous crimes against mankind as just another example of the degeneration of our species. Even the most jaded individual could not forgive the creators of the Love Robots. Love Robots are beautiful young girls, abducted right off the street who, through a procedure that rivals anything the Marquis de Sade might have dreamt of, are turned into monsters, capable of killing a man or loving him on command. The Love Robots then become an item for sale, willing to accept any master and perform any act. The Love Robots must surely be the lowest ebb of slave trading. Now through the bold new techniques of an eroduction this sordid practice is brought to light in a manner that, until very recently, could not have been shown. Only now can the intimate eye of the camera reveal the lust, greed and abnormal practices in such shocking detail.

上映地区 日本
上映时间 1966-07
中文名 白色人造美女
原始名称 白色人造美女
国家 日本
外文名 白い人造美女
导演 若松孝二
年份 1966
摄影 伊东英男
片长 72 分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
编剧 足立正生
英文名 the love robots
评论 0 条影评
语言 日语
豆瓣短评数量 0
豆瓣长评数量 0
  • shiro no jinzô bijo
  • the love robots
  • 地区
  • 日本
  • 日韩
  • 子类型
  • 犯罪
  • 科幻