


The storyline is based on the folk tale Go I Know Not Whither and Fetch I Know Not What Fedot, a strelets, serves at Tsar's court as the royal hunter. Tsar orders him to provide the game for his dinner with English embassinger. Fedot was unlucky: he got not a single bird. When he tried to shoot at least a dove, it turned into a beautiful maid, Marusia (Maria), which Fedot adopted as his wife. Marusia, possessing magical skills, saves her man from Tsar's punishment: she summons Tit Kuzmich and Frol Fomich (two magical servants being a sort of genie, who could and would perform anything Marusia orders), and they fill Tsar's table with food. Tsar makes his diplomacy with the English noble, in hope to make him marry Tsar's daughter, the Princess, who is not beautiful enough to attract the suiters. Princess and her Nanny, an old angry woman, are not pleased and argue against the match with an ambassador, who seem greedy and stupid to them. After the dinner, the General, leader of the secret police, arrives to the Tsar. He tells his senior about Fedot's new pretty wife, and Tsar begins to plan how to steal Marusia from Fedot. He orders General to find a task for Fedot which he would be impossible to complete and it would let Tsar to execute Fedot for incompetency. General goes to the forest, where old witch Baba Yaga lives, and asks her advice. With her magic, Yaga finds the way. Tsar should order Fedot to bring him next day a magic carpet on which the whole Russia could be seen just like on a map. Tsar calls Fedot and orders him the carpet, Fedot feels low, but Marusia and her magic servants solve the problem and bring the carpet at morning. Tsar, though trying to seem happy, is upset. He calls fo General again, threatening he will be punished if no plan will be given. General, also upset, goes back to Baba Yaga, who gives him another plan. Now Tsar orders Fedot to bring him next day a golden-horned deer, which is thought to not exist at all. But Marusia and her servants bring the deer as well. Tsar forces General, General forces Yaga, and the final plan is prepared. The new task for Fedot is to find Something That Could Not Be in the World. Even Tit Kuzmich and Frol Fomich are unable to find a thing so loosely described. Fedot sets up to journey for his goal, leaving his young wife home. A few days later, Tsar, despite being continually mocked by the Nanny for this, arrives with the weeding gifts to Marusia. The young woman refuses to betray Fedot for old and vile Tsar, she turns into dove and flies away. Fedot is wandering the world in quest for Something That Could Not Be. Shipwreck puts him on an uninhabited island. Its only master is a Voice, a bodyless yet powerful spirit, who is living a boring life: he can summon himself any good he wants, but only thing he longs for is human company. Fedot, realizing he found his goal, persuades the spirit to join his way back to Russian Tsar. Returning home, Fedot discovers his house devastated by Tsar, and Marusia tells him about Tsar's harassment. Fedot calls to the simple Russian people to help him avenge the injustice, and they rise up. Crowd storms into Tsar's palace. Tsar, General and Baba Yaga, caught in charge, cowardly try to translate the guilt on two others. People sentence them to sail away in a bucket overseas. Then Fedot refuses a marriage offering from Princess, leaving her with his promise to find her another man, his twin. The tale ends up with the feast, supplied by Something-That-Could-Not-Be's magic.

上映地区 俄罗斯
上映时间 2008-12-18
中文名 士兵非多特的故事
主演 Александр Ревва
原始名称 士兵非多特的故事
国家 俄罗斯
地区 俄罗斯
子类型 动画
年份 2008
片长 70分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
编剧 Леонид Филатов
语言 俄语
豆瓣短评数量 52
豆瓣评分 8.3
豆瓣评论人数 132
豆瓣长评作者 诺瓦特
豆瓣长评数量 1
豆瓣长评时间 2012-12-03
豆瓣长评标题 彼时彼刻恰如此时此刻
豆瓣长评赞数 1
  • pro fedota-streltsa
  • the tale of fedot the strelets
  • udalogo molodtsa
  • 费多特骑士的传说
  • 剧情

    fedot,a strelets,serves at tsar's court as the royal hunter. tsar orders him to provide the game for his dinner with english embassinger. fedot was unlucky:he got not a single bird. when he tried to shoot at least a dove,it turned into a beautiful maid,marusia (maria),which fedot adopt...


    Про Федота-стрельца,удалого молодца

  • Людмила Стеблянко
  • lyudmila steblyanko
  • 英文名

    the tale of fedot the strelets

  • happy egg@@@@@神翻译!!!
  • nwillis@@@@@电影频道的译制相当传神啊,和画风很搭。故事也很魔幻,虽然简单了点,还是会给人留下深刻印象。
  • 悟空@@@@@画面制作精良,翻译的也蛮有趣
  • 纪春生@@@@@故事简单了些,其他方面堪称惊艳
  • 豆瓣短评
  • Ecthelion@@@2014-02-11@@@0@@@从画面到译制全都很彪悍,从头笑到尾……
  • nwillis@@@2012-05-12@@@2@@@电影频道的译制相当传神啊,和画风很搭。故事也很魔幻,虽然简单了点,还是会给人留下深刻印象。
  • 云中君@@@2012-05-12@@@0@@@好棒的动画片,特别是中文对白
  • 叶大冬@@@2016-03-13@@@1@@@俄国人民多奇志啊哈哈哈
  • 奥利奥奶茶@@@2012-05-12@@@3@@@“我要将你撕碎,因为你犯了欺君之罪!”
  • 豆瓣长评

    诺瓦特@@@2012-12-03 23:10:25@@@彼时彼刻恰如此时此刻@@@1@@@这篇影评可能有剧透 为何在一个传统的民间童话故事中加入各种现代元素?因为彼时彼刻恰如此时此刻。以下为剧透: 丑陋卑鄙的驼背小老头就是沙皇,想艹屁民理由却用的冠冕堂皇,漂亮的公主不嫁屁民只能赠友邦,哪怕是番邦野人也比本国屁民强! ... (展开)@@@https://movie.douban.com/review/5682785/@@@https://img3.doubanio.com/icon/u39459858-1.jpg
