florín opritescu



florín opritescu,florin opritescu is an actor known for menu for two (2014),born (2014),leaving hotel romantic (2013) ,leila+morris (2013). florin was born in timisoara,romania on 21.09.1979 and he was one of many romanian people who lived under the communist system with whom he disagreed.

中文名 florín opritescu
别名 florin opritescu
原始名称 Florín Opritescu
名称 florín opritescu
外文名 演员
身份 演员
  • mar de plástico
  • 偷拐抢骗 第一季
  • 莎拉的笔记本
  • 逃跑计划
  • villaviciosa de al lado
  • born
  • 精选上位词
  • 影视明星
  • 明星