the survivors club



After being raped by a serial killer, Jillian Hayes, Carol Rosen and Meg Pesaturo found "The Survivors Club", and they use the press to force the police and justice to arrest the rapist. Eddie Como is arrested, based on DNA evidences, and while going to court for trial, he is murdered by a sniper and the three women switch position from victims to suspects. Detective Roan Griffin, who is traumatized by the brutal murder of his beloved wife by the manipulative killer David Price, joins the investigation with detective Fitz Fitzpatrick trying to solve the case.

上映地区 加拿大
上映时间 2004
中文名 the survivors club
原始名称 The Survivors Club
名称 the survivors club
国家 加拿大
地区 加拿大
外文名 the survivors club
导演 christopher leitch
年份 2004
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
英文名 the survivors club
语言 英语
豆瓣短评内容 其实是一个好故事呃!
豆瓣短评数量 1
豆瓣短评时间 2015-11-04
豆瓣短评网友 陌生的天花板
豆瓣短评赞数 0
豆瓣长评数量 0
  • 剧情
  • 惊悚
  • 犯罪
  • 片长
  • 120分钟
  • 85分钟
  • 豆瓣短评
