


A unique document of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, the movie was begun as a documentary about the liberalization of Czechoslovakia and then became a record of the entry of Russian tanks into Prague. The only filmed footage of the Soviet invasion, it was seen by more than 600 million people when broadcast on television, and it was the first information that the Soviet Army had not been "invited" in. The film also includes never-before-seen scenes from the Prague Spring before the invasion.

Mtime评分 暂无评分
上映地区 美国
上映时间 1968
中文名 布拉格清唱剧
主演 gene moskowitz
别名 seven days to remember
原始名称 布拉格清唱剧
国家 斯洛伐克
地区 捷克斯洛伐克
外文名 oratorio for prague
年份 1968
片长 26分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
英文名 oratorio for prague
表演 gene moskowitz/narrator
角色 narrator
评论 0 条影评
语言 捷克语
豆瓣短评数量 3
豆瓣短评赞数 0
豆瓣长评数量 0
演员 gene moskowitz

a unique document of the soviet invasion of czechoslovakia in 1968,the movie was begun as a documentary about the liberalization of czechoslovakia and then became a record of the entry of russian tanks into prague. the only filmed footage of the soviet invasion,it was seen by more than 600 million people when broadcast on television,and it was the first information that the ...

  • 战争
  • 短片
  • 豆瓣短评
  • 合纥@@@2010-10-14@@@0@@@珍贵影像,杨·南曼奇拍摄的1968年8月,苏联从捷克撤军时的捷克。。
  • 睡不着眯着@@@2018-09-18@@@0@@@一种vice去拍音乐节结果遇上了暴力镇压罢工的感觉
  • 胤祥@@@2012-11-18@@@0@@@一部纪录捷克嬉皮的片子偶然转成了对苏军入侵布拉格的纪录,就纪录片而言没什么可说的,通过旁白把被打断的片子重新组织起来(原来的片子大概是个[夏日纪事]或者基老师[Talking Heads]那样的)。某些细节很有趣(比如苏军坦克上被画上纳粹标志)。