


by Ed NimmervollAxiom was an all-too-short lived Australian supergroup', formed in 1969 by established musicians with successful local careers towards creating a group which could relocate to England as soon as practicable to have a crack at the international market. For a number of reasons they never realized that goal, or their potential. Two previous name bands, the Groop and the Twilights had already had a shot at "making it" it London, but had done enough to leave the lingering thought amongst band members, "What if..?". The Groop had had one of their songs covered by Manfred Mann's Paul Jones, while the Twilights had had a song given to them by the Hollies, and they'd recorded at Abbey Road Studios alongside the Beatles. Back in Australia a plan was hatched to form a new group around the two group's frontline remnants. The Twilights' lead singer Glenn Shorrockwas joined by the Groop's songwriting team of Brian Cadd and Don Mudie, and the line-up competed by guitarist Chris Stockley and drummer Doug Lavery, two admired players from other bands. Immediately dubbed a "supergroup", the band asked fans to suggest a name and settled on Axiom. Almost immediately Axiom buried itself in the recording studio. In December 1969 they released the first single, "Arkansas Grass", heavily influenced by The Band's Music From Big Pink. Four months later Axiom departed for London, and as a parting gift left their second single, "A Little Ray Of Sunshine", inspired by the birth of Don Mudie's first child. Both singles were top ten hits. "A Little Ray Of Sunshine" has become one of the Australian songs most often still played on radio. Just before departing for London drummer Don Lebler replaced Lavery. In their absence the band's album Fool's Gold was released, one of the first true albums' in Australian music, and despite the "Arkansas Grass" single title the album was also one of the first attempts in Australian pop to write about the Australian landscape. The album saw some of the first uses of the didgeridoo in Australian popular music. The songs were all of high quality as were the production values. Fool's Gold reached the top ten but never reached its full potential because Axiom were not around to promote it. A third single failed to chart. In England Axiom signed a three-year recording contract with Warners, cemented by a single "My Baby's Gone" produced by Shel Tamly of early Who, Kinks and Easybeats' "Friday On My Mind" fame. The band was then bundled off to Los Angeles to record an album. In international hands they just ended up sounding like everyone else. By the time the album If Only was released the band had already broken up. A couple of trips home to try and keep the momentum on their career and put some money in their pockets had met with disappointing results. The band just fell apart. Singer Glenn Shorrock would return to England where the would-be Little River Band found him. Brian Cadd stayed in Australia and launched a successful solo career. A couple of years later Chris Stockley became part of The Dingoes.

Alias axiom
Extra axiom
Name axiom
原始名称 Axiom
名称 axiom
地区 欧美

<info><id>74109</id><desc><![CDATA[]]></desc><basic></basic><other><item><key><![CDATA[AXIOM]]></key><value><![CDATA[AXis 对象模型(AXis Object Model,AXIOM)是 ApacheAxis 2 的 XML 对象模型,其目标是提供强大的特性组合彻底改变 XML 处理技术。AXIOM 超越了现有的 XML 处理技术,它把延迟构建和一种快速、轻型的可定制对象模型结合了起来。<br/> AXIOM 还不是另一种对象模型。它有着明确的设计目标:大幅提升 Apache 下一代 SOAP 协议栈 Axis 2 的性能。结果造就了不同于其他对象模型的 AXIOM(也称为 OM),因为它突出了构造的轻型,并且 仅当需要的时候才建立。由于是轻型的,它尽可能地减轻对系统资源的压力,特别是 CPU 和内存。同时,延迟构造又允许在其他部分还没有完成的时候使用树的一部分。AXIOM 强大的延迟构建能力源于底层的 Streaming API for XML (StAX) 解析器。AXIOM 提供了所有这些特性,同时幕后的复杂性对用户是透明的。<br/> 使用 XMLBench Document Model Benchmark 测试的结果表明,AXIOM 的性能和现有的高性能对象模型相当。但是 AXIOM 的内存占用要好于现有多数依靠 SAX 和/或 DOM 输入输出的对象模型。因此对于 Web 服务引擎或内存受限制设备这样的 XML 处理器,AXIOM 是一种理想的选择,它可用于<br/> 一般的 XML 处理,但是有一个对 SOAP 优化了的可选层。<br/>悠悠球<br/> yoyojam的第一款全金属yoyo球<br/> AXIOM最终确定版现身! <br/> 来源:yoyonation <br/> 生厂商 YOYOJAM<br/> 种类 蝶型<br/> 重量(g) 63.90<br/> 宽度(mm) 40.81<br/> 直径(mm) 50.54<br/> 电影 WALL-E中 BNL(Buynlarge公司) 的珍宝,全宇宙最豪华的太空邮轮,可以维持数亿年的生态循环,内置超大泳池,以及各种各样的娱乐设施,例如虚拟高尔夫球 虚拟网球,而且不需要大幅度运动,在飞船上,你只需要用嘴和手指就可以享受了,机器人帮你完成一切事情!<br/>]]></value></item></other></info>

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