little champ



The story revolves around the simple lives of Caloy, his parents Lucas and Helen, and their sickly horse, Chalk. Their quiet family life will change however when Caloy's playmate, the son of the rich haciendero Miguel, falls off a horse and dies. Miguel, who will put the blame on Caloy, will hunt the child down. Caloy will flee with his loyal horse Chalk and will find refuge under Leon del Torro, a baranggay captain. The forces of good and evil will clash when a meteorite falls, breaks into two, and lands separately on Chalk and Miguel. Powered by the meteorite, Chalk will change from a sickly horse to a powerful stallion that can talk while Miguel will experience evil powers, fueled by his lust for revenge.

上映地区 菲律宾
上映时间 2013-03-18
中文名 little champ
原始名称 Little Champ
名称 little champ
外文名 little champ
子类型 家庭
年份 2013
类别 电视剧
精选上位词 电视剧
英文名 little champ