donny west



donny west,the kid of a burlesque dancer, donny began his career in music at an early age and gained his acting experience in college where he participated in several drama productions and has taken courses in acting and music to better develop his skills in the craft.

中文名 donny west
出生地 美国,密苏里州,堪萨斯城
出生日期 1954-09-15
别名 donald lee west ,chipper
外文名 演员1954-09-15168cm
导演作品 dazzle donny west story
年龄 65
星座 处女
身份 演员
身高 168cm
Alias donny west
Extra donny west
Name donny west
原始名称 Donny West
名称 donny west
  • dazzle:the donny west story
  • health freaks
  • 勤杂多面手
  • 司法斗士
  • 默默无闻
  • 如履薄冰
  • 勤杂工
  • 精选上位词
  • 主演
  • 勤杂工的主演
  • 如履薄冰的主演
  • 影视明星
  • 明星
  • 默默无闻的主演