448 bc of ancient hellas



through the eyes of the nrrator and ancient philosophers of the time, we are taken on a dramatic journey through history; recounting the incredible and exciting dramas, ceremonies, games, and chariot races of the ancient greek olympiad; the olympic games of the 5th century bc.

上映地区 希腊
上映时间 2004-12-12
分集名 olympiad
名称 448 bc of ancient hellas
国家 希腊
地区 希腊
子类型 剧情
导演 paul pissanos
年份 2004
片长 120分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
系列名 448 bc of ancient hellas

448 bc:olympiad of ancient hellas


448 BC: Olympiad of Ancient Hellas


448 bc:olympiad of ancient hellas