steely dan

斯迪利·丹 斯迪利丹 斯迪利·丹 斯迪利丹


小简介 ■ 成立 斯迪利.丹是70年代最有活力的乐队之一,但它也是一支十分难归类的乐队。1972年,制作人加里.卡茨把歌曲作者沃尔特.贝克尔和唐纳德.费根引荐位于美国西海岸的Dunhill公司工作,该公司属于美国广播公司。尽管当时贝克尔和费根已经给电影《说到做到》(1971)配乐,但是仍没有人愿意演唱他们的作品。因此卡茨建议他俩找一些小有名气的职业乐手帮忙,由他们自己来推出唱片,贝克尔和费根分别演奏贝司和键盘。这样,乐队便初步成立了。 ■ 发展 他们的首张专辑《难得刺激》就获得成功,其中选出的两首单曲《再来一次》和《摇摇晃晃过日子》双双成为全美排行榜前20名歌曲。随后,鼓手吉姆.霍德、吉他手丹尼.迪亚斯以及杰夫.巴克斯特正式长期加入了乐队。但是,在乐队以后所有专辑中,使用乐队以外的乐手一直是一个固定的方式。 ■ 分手 伍迪同他的"平民百姓大乐队"(Thundering Herd Big Band)录制了费根和贝克尔的5首作品,这5首作品中,费根和贝克尔的爵士乐倾向非常明显。但是他俩这一音乐特征体现得最淋漓致尽的,还是要数他俩合作的最后一张"斯迪利.丹"名义下的专辑《高卓人》。专辑中的一首《嘿,十九岁》是斯迪利.丹自1974年的《里基别丢了那个号码》(Rikki Don't Lose That Number)以来在美国最成功的歌曲,它进入了排行榜的前10名。1981年,贝克尔和费根结束了他俩近10年的合作关系。 ■ 重聚 从他们散伙之日起,关于乐队要重组的谣言一直没有停息过。费根1982年在Warner公司推出的首张个人专辑《夜航》(The Nightfly)十分出色,从中选出的单曲《I.G.Y.(多美的世界)》(I.G.Y.What a Beautiful World)也小有成绩。1986年,费根和贝克尔出现在罗西.维拉(Rosie Vela)的专辑Zazu中,新闻报道宣称他俩在准备重组"斯迪利.丹"乐队。1990年,两人再度合作,3年后推出费根的专辑Kamakiriad。 ■乐队风格 斯迪利.丹树立起一种节奏步鲁斯同摇滚音乐紧密相关的独特风格,并且音乐中常体现出源自他们爵士乐背景的一种怪僻的色彩,这一点从乐队的名字中就能看出。贝克尔和费根的歌词是乐队成功的关键,他们创作的歌词常常是愤世嫉俗的,偶尔又模糊难懂,但却始终诙谐有趣。尽管贝克尔和费根所受提爵士乐教育,但斯迪利.丹却是一支十足的摇滚乐队。在乐队的音乐创作中,来自爵士乐的技巧和摇滚乐上的创造力是同样出色的。 Most rock with their ironic humor and cryptic lyrics, their eclectic body of work shows some debt to Bob Dylan - preferring jazz, traditional pop, blues, and R&B. Steely Dan created a sophisticated, distinctive sound with accessible melodic hooks, complex harmonies and time signatures, and a devotion to the recording studio. With producer Gary Katz, Becker and Fagen gradually changed Steely Dan from a performing band to a studio project, hiring professional musicians to record their compositions. Though the band didnt perform live after 1974, Steely Dans popularity continued to grow throughout the decade, as their albums became critical favorites and their singles became staples of AOR and pop radio stations. Even after the group disbanded in the early 80s, their records retained a cult following, as proven by the massive success of their unlikely return to the stage in the early 90s. Walter Becker (bass) and Donald Fagen (vocals, keyboards) were the core members of Steely Dan throughout its variety of incarnations. The two met at Bard College in New York in 1967 and began playing in bands together shortly afterward. The duo played in a number of groups - including the Bad Rock Group, which featured future comedic actor Chevy Chase on drums - which ranged from jazz to progressive rock. Eventually, Becker and Fagen began composing songs together, hoping to become professional songwriters in the tradition of the Brill Building. In 1970, the pair joined Jay Becker chose Gustav Mahler, while Fagen used Tristan Fabriani. They stayed with Jay who took their name from a dildo in William Burroughs Naked Lunch - was formed shortly afterward. Recruiting guitarists Denny Dias and Skunk Baxter, drummer Jim Hodder, and keyboardist/vocalist David Palmer, Becker and Fagen officially formed Steely Dan in 1972, releasing their debut, Cant Buy a Thrill, shortly afterward. Palmer and Fagen shared lead vocals on the album, but the records two hit singles - the Top Ten Do It Again and Reeling in the Years - were sung by Fagen. Cant Buy a Thrill was a critical and commercial success, but its supporting tour was a disaster, hampered by an under-rehearsed band and unappreciative audiences. Palmer left the band following the tour. Countdown to Ecstasy, released in 1973, was a critical hit, but it failed to generate a hit single, even though the band supported it with a tour. Steely Dan replaced Hodder with Jeff Porcaro and added keyboardist/backup vocalist Michael McDonald prior to recording their third album, Pretzel Logic. Released in the spring of 1974, Pretzel Logic returned Steely Dan to the Top Ten on the strength of the single Rikki Dont Lose That Number. After completing the supporting tour for Pretzel Logic, Becker and Fagen decided to retire from live performances and make Steely Dan a studio-based band. For their next album, 1975s Katy Lied, the duo hired a variety of studio musicians - including Dias, Porcaro, guitarist Elliot Randall, saxophonists Phil Woods, bassist Wilton Felder, percussionist Victor Feldman, keyboardist Michael Omartian, and guitarist Larry Carlton - as supporting musicians. Katy Lied was another hit, as was 1976s The Royal Scam, which continued in the vein of its predecessor. On 1977s Aja, Steely Dans sound became more polished and jazzy, as they hired jazz fusion artists like Wayne Shorter, Lee Ritenour, and the Crusaders as support. Aja became their biggest hit, reaching the Top Five within three weeks of release and becoming one of the first albums to be certified platinum. Aja also gained the respect of many jazz musicians, as evidenced by Woody Herman recording an album of Becker/Fagen songs in 1978. Following the release of Aja, ABC was bought out by MCA Records, resulting in a contractual dispute with the label that delayed until 1980 the release of their follow-up album. During the interim, the group had a hit with the theme song for the film FM in 1978. Steely Dan finally released Gaucho, the follow-up to Aja, in late 1980, and it became another Top Ten hit for the group. During the summer of 1981, Becker and Fagen announced that they were parting ways. The following year, Fagen released his solo debut, The Nightfly, which became a critical and commercial hit. Fagen didnt record another album until 1993, when he reunited with Becker, who produced Kamakiriad. The album was promoted by the first Steely Dan tour in nearly 20 years, and while the record failed to sell, the concerts were very popular. In 1994, Becker released his solo debut, 11 Tracks of Whack, which was produced by Fagen. The following year, Steely Dan mounted another reunion tour, and in early 2000 the duo issued Two Against Nature, their first new studio album in two decades. (更多)

唱片公司 华纳唱片
Extra steely dan
Name steely dan
别名 斯迪利·丹
原始名称 Steely Dan
名称 steely dan
国籍 美国
  • united states of america 美国
  • 美国
  • 歌手详细介绍

    <info><id>1783</id><desc><![CDATA[]]></desc><basic></basic><other><item><key><![CDATA[音乐类型]]></key><value><![CDATA[软摇滚(Soft Rock)、当代流行/摇滚(Contemporary Pop/ Rock)、爵士摇滚(Jazz-Rock)、专辑摇滚(Album Rock)]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[乐团简介]]></key><value><![CDATA[Steely Dan自1972年组团至今,一直是以Donald Fagen和Walter Becker二人为主要搭档,团名取自美国文学大诗人William Burroughs的经典作品 - 裸体午餐。自72年的首张专辑 Can&apos;t Buy A Trill 获得滚石杂志五颗星高评推荐后,Steely Dan便成为乐评界的宠儿。而Donald Fagen和Walter Becker也以轻松的语调刻划美国社会的众生百态。在慵懒摇摆的爵士风格与铜管乐器编制下,Steely Dan可说是在七零年代里,少数几个在乐评和排行上都很出众的一个团体。]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[音乐历程]]></key><value><![CDATA[这支目前最受关注的乐队萌芽于纽约的莎士比亚学院,乐队的建立者是Donald Fagen(1948年1月10日出生于美国新泽西州帕塞伊克市,擅长弹钢琴与演唱)和Walter Becker(1950年2月20日出生于美国纽约州奎恩市,擅长贝斯与演唱),在组建乐队时,他们还是学生。他们在组建乐队后,开始稳步地发展一个写歌小组,他们许多样本唱片作品都是后来从几个失意的编辑那里得到的。他们的一些作品如《Brooklyn》、《Barry Town》和《Parker&apos;s Band》,每一部都一次又一次地复录。这个二人组合风靡了那个时代的美国流行乐坛。 <br/> 他们两人的作品最近出现在了美国流行乐排行榜的第十位,其代表作是《Walkin&apos; In The Rain》,这首歌是在1969年录制的,专辑《Wax Museum》和《Capture The Moment》也颇受人们欢迎。在演唱《You Gotta Walk It Like You Talk It》(或者称之为《You&apos;ll Lose That Beat》)这首歌的过程中,歌手Kenny Vance和鼓手John Discepolo加入了这个二人组合乐队,上面提到的这首歌是1971年时一部低调电影的配乐。在这一阶段,吉他手Denny Dias也为此乐队尽过很大力量。该乐队取名Steely Dan是从乐队将William Burroughs的作品《The Naked Lunch》推向乐坛后形成的,在这场演出中,又有几人加入乐队,使乐队声势空前壮大。他们就是David Palmer(出生于新泽西州普兰菲尔德市,擅长演唱);eff &apos;Skunk&apos; Baxter(1948年12月13日出生于美国华盛顿特区,擅长吉他演奏);Jim Hodder(出生于美国麻省波士顿,1990年6月5日已去逝)。数周内,多人合作的作品《Can&apos;t Buy A Thrill》就完成了,但是这一作品在得到称赞的同时,也有人对其进行了批评。乐队代表作《Do It Again》上升到美国流行音乐排行榜第20位。他们的第二张专辑也绝对称得上是70年代的又一杰作,这一作品获得了像《The Boston Rag》和《My Old School》同样的赞誉。在这以后,由于Palmer对于美国巡回演出感觉不好,退出了乐队。尽管Baxter一再声称,乐队会比以前做得更加优秀,该乐队在短期内还是没有得到公众的再度欢迎。可是没过多久,形势反转回来,乐队的专辑《Pretzel Logic》在美国流行歌曲排行榜上升到了第十位,这也是他们第一次升到这个位置。在这部专辑里面,Fagen和Becker倾注了他们对爵士乐全部的爱,这部专辑里包括《Rikki Don&apos;t Lose That Number》这首歌和Horace Silver的《Song Of My Father》以及Duke Ellington作的《East St. Louis Toodle-O》等歌曲。 <br/> 这支乐队的目的很明确,他们的灵巧的制作风格也很吸引人。但是乐队内部的一些冲突却使乐队实力大大减弱,这突出表现在Becker特别是Fagen身上,Fagen对于其在乐队中的角色不是很满意。Steely Dan乐队的最后一次现场演出是在1974年7月4日,尔后,乐队内部的冲突最终导致了Baxter和Hodder离开。吉他手进入了Doobie Brothers乐队效力,同时鼓手也开始了新的工作。可靠的Dias还留在队中,后来乐队又有新人加入,他们是Michael McDonald (钢琴和演唱) and Jeff Porcaro (打鼓)。近年来,乐队的专辑又显示出了其超凡脱俗的实力。专辑《Royal Scam》重新获得商业上的平衡,它作为近期乐队的代表作使这支乐队给人留下了很深的印像。Becker和Fagen现在是乐队唯一的指导者,McDonald已经跟随Baxter进入Doobie Brothers乐队工作,Dias和Porcaro已经选择了演播室内的制作工作。现在乐队新的作品中充满了一些奢华的基调,近期作品包括《Haitian Divorce》,这首歌在英国名曲排行榜上走到第二十位。然而乐部冲突并没有解除,再加上唱片商标花费越来越大,乐队里的矛盾更加明显,所以这时推出的专辑《Gaucho》效果不太好。后来,这部专辑却又销量不错,所以经费矛盾问题才有些缓和。而同时,乐队的一曲《Hey Nineteen》达到美国金曲排行榜第十位。而这时的Becker和Fagen对于两人的合作关系处理实在是太累了,他们于1981年宣布中止合作关系。 <br/> 接下来的几年,Fagen推出了专辑《Nightfly》,这部专辑延续了以前他的乐队的风格。制作人Katz一直在管理着位于洛杉矶的乐队事情,也制作了一些音乐作品。Becker同时也为China Crisis和Rickie Lee Jones乐队制作专辑。1990年,两人在纽约又重新组合,进行合作。Becker表示,“我们的工作不像以前的Steely Dan了”。但是,不管怎样,支持这支乐队的狂热歌迷们还是为他们两人能重归于好表示欢迎。尽管这个重新组合用了三年多,Fagen的现场演唱还是给人留下了深刻的印像。Becker也推出了他的独奏曲作品。两人合作的作品《Two Against Nature》最终在2000年3月与观众见面。 <br/> 另外,两人的单曲《Peg》也被收进了《Pop Rock》一书。 <br/> 2000年发行的 Two Against Nature 是继1980年的 Caucho 后最新录音,虽然时隔20年,但所呈现出的依然是经过岁月淬练后的成熟内敛作品,获得第43届葛莱美奖『年度最佳专辑』、『最佳流行演唱专辑』、『最佳流行演唱团体』三项大奖。 <br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[音乐作品]]></key><value><![CDATA[ ]]></value></item></other></info>

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