immediate music



小档案 公司名称 Immediate Music 总部地点 洛杉矶 经营范围 制作背景音乐 公司性质 音乐制作公司 创作背景 Immediate Music是洛杉矶一个为无数大片的预告片制作了背景音乐的神秘组织,因为客户特殊, 一直不为人知。洛杉矶知名音乐制作公司ImmediateMusic是一个为好莱坞等欧美无数电影大片的预告片制作背景音乐的专业音乐制作公司,外界对其旗下艺人知之不多,颇为神秘,Immediate Music 管弦乐团有强烈史诗风格,多被采用于电影的背景音乐。旗下包含上百个乐团、合唱团以及作曲家合作,为各式片头、预告片以及影片、动画电等编写配乐,内容无所不包,真是非常强大的团体。以音乐的恢宏以及节奏感强著称。 主要专辑 IM还在2009,2010,2012,2014年发布了4张公众专辑PublicAlbum,并取名为Trailerhead系列,分别是: Trailerhead - 2009 Trailerhead - Saga - 2010 Trailerhead - Triumph - 2012 Trailerhead - Nu Epiq - 2014 2015年7月发行录音室专辑《March On》。 Immediate Music, LLC (commonly known as Immediate Music) is a music composition company based in Santa Monica that is notable for providing a specialized library of high-end trailer music for commercial motion pictures. Since 1992, Immediate Music has licensed music from its library to hundreds of theatrical trailers and television spots for all the major Hollywood studios. The company's music has been featured in the trailers for films such as Hellboy II: The Golden Army, Avatar, Iron Man, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Coraline, Kingdom of Heaven, Dante's Peak, Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant, X-Men: The Last Stand, the Matrix films, the Spider-Man films, The Wolfman, Assembly and the Harry Potter films. In 2007, Immediate received an Emmy for "Outstanding Music Composition in a Sports Program" for their work on the 20th Olympic Winter Games.Immediate Music has its own band, called Globus, that fuses cinematic orchestral music with contemporary and world music rhythms. Most public albums for Immediate Music are under the name Immediate and in the Epic Music genre. On June 27, 2009, Immediate Music put on a concert called Trailer Music Live. A full orchestra and choir performed tracks from Immediate's trailer music library. Additionally, Immediate's cinematic rock band Globus played a set. Music from trailers such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Spider-Man, Lord of the Rings was performed. Previously, Globus, the trailer music inspired rock band, had performed in England at Wembley, and the success of that venture has led to the US live performance. Yoav Goren, co-owner and composer for Immediate Music, had this to say about the upcoming concert: "This event was received with such enthusiasm in London, that we felt compelled to bring it to the states. Trailer Music Live is truly a unique live concert experience for movie fans of all ages, featuring a large orchestra, choir and rock band bringing this emotional and epic movie music directly from the screen to the stage." Immediate Music has released a number of albums that incorporate a wide range of genres, none of which however are commercially available to the general public. The most well known of these is the Themes for Orchestra and Choir series which currently has three multi-disk volumes. For the month of December 2010, Immediate Music made their TFOAC volumes 2 and 3 CDs available for purchase by the public. In 2012, Imperativa Records announced the Immediate Music catalog CDs are available for purchase with autographs signed by composers Yoav Goren & Jeffrey Fayman. The CDs such as Epic Choral Action #1, Themes For Orchestra And Choir #2: Abbey Road, and Themes For Orchestra And Choir #3 are on a limited year-end promotional run. The Demon Within is their fifth commercially available album. It was released on October 21, 2013, on digital format and was made available through Amazon and iTunes. March On was released on July 2015. (更多)

Alias immediate music
Extra immediate music
Name immediate music
原始名称 Immediate Music
名称 immediate music
国籍 美国
  • united states of america 美国
  • 美国
  • 歌手详细介绍

    <info><id>24882</id><desc><![CDATA[Immediate Music是洛杉矶一个为无数大片的预告片制作了背景音乐的神秘组织,因为客户特殊, 一直不为人知(不少大型游戏如魔兽也用它作背景音乐)。洛杉矶知名音乐制作公司Immediate Music是一个为好莱坞等欧美无数电影大片的预告片制作背景音乐的专业音乐制作公司,外界对其旗下艺人知之不多,颇为神秘,Immediate Music 管弦乐团有强烈史诗风格,多被采用于电影的背景音乐。\n 旗下包含上百个乐团、合唱团以及作曲家合作,为各式片头、预告片以及影片、动画电等编写配乐,内容无所不包,真是非常强大的团体。以音乐的恢宏以及节奏感强著称。]]></desc><basic><item><key><![CDATA[歌手名]]></key><value><![CDATA[Immediate Music]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[外文名]]></key><value><![CDATA[Immediate Music]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[国籍]]></key><value><![CDATA[美国]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[出生地]]></key><value><![CDATA[洛杉矶]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[职业]]></key><value><![CDATA[音乐制作公司]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[代表作品]]></key><value><![CDATA[《Serenata Immortale》《Glory Seeker》《Darkness on the Edge of Power》]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[原名]]></key><value><![CDATA[Matthieu Totta]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[创立者]]></key><value><![CDATA[Yoav Goren,Jeffrey Fayman]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[音乐类型]]></key><value><![CDATA[制作背景音乐]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[官方网站]]></key><value><![CDATA[]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[标语]]></key><value><![CDATA[Music with impact]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[活跃年代]]></key><value><![CDATA[1993年至今]]></value></item></basic><other><item><key><![CDATA[从艺历程]]></key><value><![CDATA[Immediate Music是洛杉矶一个为无数大片的预告片制作了背景音乐的神秘组织,因为客户特殊, 一直不为人知(不少大型游戏如魔兽也用它作背景音乐)。\n洛杉矶知名音乐制作公司Immediate Music是一个为好莱坞等欧美无数电影大片的预告片制作背景音乐的专业音乐制作公司,外界对其旗下艺人知之不多,颇为神秘,Immediate Music 管弦乐团有强烈史诗风格,多被采用于电影的背景音乐。旗下包含上百个乐团、合唱团以及作曲家合作,为各式片头、预告片以及影片、动画电等编写配乐,内容无所不包,真是非常强大的团体。以音乐的恢宏以及节奏感强著称。\n在WOW公会Nihilum 首杀伊利丹的视频中Immediate Music就应用在其中,而且视频和音乐的代入感强烈,使用的音乐。\n Immediate Music 续以“Globus”名义于2006年发行《Epicon》后,2008年发行了《Trailerhead》。本专辑是2009年《Trailerhead》增2减1曲的拓展版本。依然大气、恢弘,具有强烈的震撼感。这张作品收录包括用于以下电影预告片中的音乐曲目:《加勒比海盗2》、《蜘蛛侠》、《神奇四侠》、《贝奥武甫》、《特洛伊》、《逃出克隆岛》等等。\nImmediate Music公司2012年对外公开发布的专辑系列 《Trailerhead》的最终章,里面集合了之前面向业界专辑的部分曲目的Remix版本和一些新创作的曲子,该公司的联合创始人之一Yoav Goren在接受采访时说到了这张专辑,主要是让喜欢Epic Music的粉丝们给意见挑选自己喜欢的曲目之后集中起来发布的,这也是《Trailerhead》系列的收官之作。\n 专辑第一首Destiny of The Chosen是《霍比特人》一支预告片的插曲,第二首《Journey of Glory》被用在了麦当劳的广告“The Fry”中,《The Lords Shall Rule》(面向业界的专辑《Trailer Beast》中这首曲子叫 《The Lords of The Realm》)则被用在了哈利波特与死圣下预告和刺客信条启示录发售预告中。]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[荣誉记录]]></key><value><![CDATA[《Action/Drama #1》 \n 《Action/Drama #2》 \n 《Action/Drama #3》 \n 《Action/Drama #4》 \n 《Action/Drama #5》 \n 《Cinematic Tension Horror》 \n 《Comedy #1》 \n 《Comedy #2》 \n 《Dark Hero Uprising (September 2013)》 \n 《Epic #1》 \n 《Epic #2》 \n 《Epic #3》 \n 《Epic Choral Action #1》 \n 《Horror/Sci-Fi #1》 \n 《Percussive Action 1》 \n 《Plosive : In Three Acts'》 \n 《Quantum》 \n 《Romantic & Adventure #2》 \n 《Romantic Comedy, Romantic & Adventure #1'》 \n 《Romantic Comedy #2》 \n 《Subsonic (2013)》 \n 《Subversion (April 2014)》 \n 《Suspense & Drama #1》 \n 《Suspense & Drama #2》 \n 《Suspense & Drama #3》 \n 《Suspense & Drama #4》 \n 《Suspense & Drama #5》 \n 《Themes For Orchestra & Choir #1 (2 CD)》 \n 《Themes For Orchestra & Choir #2 - Abbey Road (3 CD)》 \n 《Themes For Orchestra & Choir #3 (3 CD)》 \n 《Themes For Orchestra & Choir #4 (May 2013)》 \n 《Trinity And Beyond》 \n 《Youth Oriented #1》 \n 《Youth Oriented #2》 \n 《Youth Oriented #3》 \n 《Youth Oriented #4》 \n 《Youth Oriented #5》 \n 《Violations》]]></value></item></other></info>

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