


风格:Symphonic Black Metal (early), Gothic Metal (later) 国籍:Germany (Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate) 成立:1995 成员:Chris "Ashtrael" Bonner - Vocals (2008-) Martin "Sathonys" Wickler - Guitars, Clean Vocals (1995-) (Nocte Obducta) Jan Jansohn - Guitars (2007-) (Opalessence, Adorned Brood) Till Ottinger - Bass (2006-) (Misanthropic (Deu), Skidbladnir (Deu)) Manuel Steitz - Drums (2008-) (Ancient Ceremony) Felix . Walzer - Keyboards (2002-) (Opalessence, The Legacy (Deu)) by Steve Huey The German black metal band Agathodaimon was formed in Mainz in 1996, consisting of vocalist,lyricist Vlad Dracul (naturally, a native of Romania), guitarists Hyperion and Sathony, keyboardist Vampallons, bassist Marco T., and drummer Matthias R. Two demo tapes -- 1996's Carpe Noctem and 1997's Near Dark -- sparked interest from the Nuclear Blast label, but just after the band signed a record deal, Vlad Dracul went to visit Bucharest and was denied re-entry into Germany. A new lead vocalist, Akaias, was enlisted for the debut album, Blacken the Angel, which was released in 1998 and featured Dracul's lyrics; when the prospect of Dracul's return became increasingly unlikely, Akaias was tabbed his permanent replacement. The Higher Art of Rebellion followed in mid-2000. (更多)

别名 agathodaimon
Alias agathodaimon
Extra agathodaimon
Name agathodaimon
原始名称 Agathodaimon
名称 agathodaimon
国籍 德国
  • germany 德国
  • 德国
  • 歌手详细介绍

    <info><id>24809</id><desc><![CDATA[]]></desc><basic></basic><other><item><key><![CDATA[乐队简介]]></key><value><![CDATA[<br/>Agathodaimon,来自德国,于三月月中由Nuclear Blast发行睽违五年的专辑《Phoenix》。 擅长穿插曲目之 间不同的鼓点来添增耐听度与新鲜感,并运用层次分明的腔、鼓、弦、riff的技巧,Agathodaimon的交响氛围黑金属就是和其他的有那么些不同,正规团员中双吉他手与Keyboard的编制下弦乐强调的十分彻底甚至足以漠视Bass的编制,但在缺少了back的厚实交响音墙之下,使得声线的综合上单调许多,然而运用双主唱死黑腔与清腔的编制,古典钢琴伴奏,鼓的对点变拍以放慢间奏的疾速,可以见得都是在大量的制造强调旋律性的机会,不如以往黑金属凄厉的压力,在过分强调旋律结果变成了现在的曲风。 这张专辑跟以前相较起来旋律性又比以前更盛,这张横跨五年的专辑能有多好的成果,个人实在是不期不待啊。<br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[乐队成员]]></key><value><![CDATA[<br/>Sathonys - 吉他 <br/>Jan Jansohn - 吉他 <br/>Till Ottinger - 贝斯 <br/>Felix U. Walzer - 键盘 <br/>Manuel Steitz - 鼓手 <br/>Ashtrael - 主唱<br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[发行专辑]]></key><value><![CDATA[<br/>1997年《Tomb Sculptures》 <br/>1998年《Blacken the Angel》 <br/>1999年《Higher Art of Rebellion》 <br/>2001年《Chapter III》 <br/>2004年《Serpent&amp;apos;s Embrace》 <br/>2009年《Phoenix》 <br/>Demo<br/>1996年Demo《Carpe Noctem》 <br/>1997年Demo《Near Dark》 <br/>EP<br/>1999年《Bislang》<br/>]]></value></item></other></info>

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