quadro nuevo

新四重奏 新四重奏


小简介 自1996年成立起,Quadro Nuevo已经在德国、奥地利、瑞士、荷兰、丹麦、意大利、德国以及美国举办了700场巡演。这个四重奏乐团在2003年5月被授予十分珍贵的德国唱片工业爵士大奖,而这已经是他们第三次获得该项荣誉。 Quadro Nuevo的音乐兴趣一直停留在探戈、风笛舞曲和弗拉明戈,他们的Cine Passion同样也是对电影插曲充满灵气的改编。在该专辑中,他们尝试将意大利探戈与充满诗意的歌曲相融合。很久以前,当像Carlo Buti, Nilla Pizzi 和 Claudio Villa这样早被世人遗忘的歌手们还在演唱时,这些歌曲曾经风靡一时,现在却是芳踪难觅了。带着怀旧味道的人声,高雅且富含表现力,缔造出一个梦幻般声音世界中的奇妙旅程。 乐队成员Mulo Francel (Saxophon)和Didi Lowka (Kontrabass)曾与Philip Catherine 以及Claudio Roditi同台献艺。Mulo Francel的表演感情丰富,并擅长即兴演奏。Robert Wolf (Gitarre)在Paco de Lucia, Tim Landers 和 Paulhino da Costa 1992年发行第一张CD时,就与他们有过合作;他与Roy Hargrove, Trilok Gurtu, Renaud Garcia Fons 以及 David Gazarov合作的SoloCD已经面市。Didi Lowka (Kontrabass)节奏感极佳,他的贝司时常被用作打击乐器。Andreas Hinterseher (键盘, 主唱)忧郁的嗓音充满魔力,经常让他的乐器只发出呼吸般的声音。 Though based in Germany, acoustic jazz quartet Quadro Nuevo devoted its creative energies to resurrecting the fading musical traditions of Europe as a whole, in particular embracing the tango. Guitarist Robert Wolf, reedist Mulo Francel, accordionist Andreas Hinterseher, and bassist D.D. Lowka co-founded Quadro Nuevo in Salzburg in 1996. Originally commissioned to write and produce film music for the Austrian broadcaster ORF, the four musicians immediately bonded over their eclectic musical backgrounds and shared affection for nostalgia, and in the decade to follow they played more than 1,500 live dates across the continent, forging an alchelmical acoustic sound from elements of flamenco, Balkan swing, traditional folk, and avant-garde improvisation. Issuing their debut album, Luna Rossa, in 1998, Quadro Nuevo enjoyed their commercial breakthrough six years later with their fifth LP, Mocca Flor, which topped the German world music charts while rising to number three on the national jazz countdown. Tango Bitter Sweet followed in 2006. (更多)

Extra quadro nuevo
Name quadro nuevo
别名 新四重奏
原始名称 Quadro Nuevo
名称 quadro nuevo
国籍 德国
地区 德国
精选别名 新四重奏
  • 团体
  • 德国音乐团体
  • 音乐团体
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