charlotte gainsbourg



法国演员,凯撒奖最佳女主角。她是Serge Gainsbourg和第三任妻子英国影星Jane Birkin的女儿,出生在伦敦,在法国长大。 作为Gainsbourg的女儿,Charlotte从小就被父亲带出来接触媒体和电影,电视台的娱乐节目经常邀请Serge 和她腼腆可爱的小女儿。12岁时就在《Paroles et Musique 》中出演卡特琳 德纳芙的女儿。14岁那年,小Charlotte挑大梁演出L'effrontee,她鲜明生动的表现,丝毫没有稚嫩气息,一举赢得1986年法国凯撒奖最佳新人,之后她凭La petite voleuse和Love, Etc.两度提名凯撒奖最佳女主角,而99年的《La buche》终于把这个奖项送到她手种。Patrice LECONTE也很欣赏她的演技,邀她主演浪漫爱情片Felix et Lola,入围了2001年柏林影展金熊奖最佳影片。 很多人和Luc一样对Charlotte最深的印象还是来自那部轻喜剧《Ma femme est une actrie》(我的妻子是个女演员),影片里的Yvan的扮演者就是她生活中的伴侣Yvan ATTAL,Yvan 也就像片中一样是个出生在以色列的犹太人,才华横溢的他,自编,自导,自演了两人合作的第一部影片作为爱情的礼物送给Charlotte,影片就像两人真实的生活,繁忙的工作,小小的误会,贴心的了解,都蕴含着年轻人轻松幸福的爱情观,受到观众的好评。于是2004年两人再次合作《Ils se mari rent et eurent beaucoup d'enfents》延续幽默浪漫的生活喜剧。 2003年颇受评论界和观众好评的《21 Grammes》(21克),是Charlotte 进军美国影坛的第一部作品,片中她的戏分不多,仍出色表现出西恩.潘妻子由于手术和事故而造成的精神脆弱和无奈失望。Luc这次正好在戛纳看到她主演的新片《Lemming》(旅鼠),作为本届电影节竞赛单元的首映片,与老演员Andre Dussollier 的合作Charlotte的演技又上了一个层面。 by Heather Phares While Charlotte Gainsbourg is better known as an accomplished actress than as a musician, her singing career has also been significant. Around the same time she began acting, Gainsbourg also started singing professionally. At 13, she recorded her debut, Charlotte for Ever, an album of songs written by her father, singer,songwriter,provocateur Serge Gainsbourg, that was inspired by the film he directed and in which they both starred. The infamous father-daughter duet Lemon Incest mirrored the sexually precocious tone of her early films, which included 1986s LEffrontee (which won her a Cesar for Most Promising Young Actress), 1988s La Petite Voleuse, and 1991s Merci la Vie. During the 90s she concentrated on acting, appearing in movies as eclectic as Franco Zeffirellis 1996 adaptation of Jane Eyre to 1999s La Buche, for which she won a Cesar for Best Supporting Actress, but in the 2000s Gainsbourg returned to music, performing the spoken word introduction to Madonnas What It Feels Like for a Girl in 2001 and lending backing vocals to Badly Drawn Boys 2002 album Have You Fed the Fish? While appearing in projects such as Michel Gondrys The Science of Sleep, she began work on her second solo album, enlisting Airs Jean-Beno t Dunckel and Nicolas Godin as composers, Jarvis Cocker and the Divine Comedys Neil Hannon as lyricists, and Nigel Godrich as producer. The results, 2006s 5:55, paid homage to her musical heritage and defined her as an artist and interpreter in her own right. 5:55 was released in the U.S. in spring 2007. (更多)

别名 夏洛特·甘斯布
名称 charlotte gainsbourg
唱片公司 未确定
国籍 法国
地区 欧美
所属公司 未确定
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
翻唱 just like a woman
  • Charlotte Gainsbourg
  • Charlotte Gainsbourg (Charlotte Lucy Gainsbourg)----[replace by 37915]
  • 风格
  • 室内流行 chamber pop
  • 梦幻流行 dream pop
  • 法国流行 french pop
  • 独立流行 indie pop
  • 相关实体