sigur rós

胜利玫瑰 西格尔·罗斯 西格尔罗斯 胜利玫瑰 西格尔·罗斯 西格尔罗斯


小档案 中文名 冰岛乐队 外文名 Sigur R s 类 别 后摇滚乐团 国 家 冰岛 组合资料 Sigur R s 是一个来自冰岛的后摇滚乐团,他们的音乐掺揉着优美旋律、古典、实验等元素。 冰岛乐队Sigur R s(意为"胜利的玫瑰")是由成员Jonsi Tor Birgisson(吉他/主音),Georg Holm(贝司),和第一任鼓手Agust成立于1994年。晚些时候键盘手Kjartan Sveinsson加入了乐队。在录制了乐队第二张专辑《Agaetis Byrjun》(满意的开始)后,Agust宣布退出乐队而从事他所喜爱的美术设计。Orri Pall Dyrason作为第二任的鼓手代替了他的位置。 Sigur Ros为广大的听众带来了如他们家乡那些独特、美丽而又充满生机的,自然景色一般的音乐。其美妙是不能用言语来传达的。虽然他们使用的是自创的冰岛方言(冰岛语本来就是使用者少得不能再少的语种,再加上还是自创的方言,我想这个世界上也许就只有他们自己明白歌词的意思了。据他们在官方网站上的表示,他们已经邀请了一些权威的语言学专家为他们的歌词翻译成各国语言,但是由于他们在歌词中使用了许多冰岛语中的双关语,因而翻译还是遇到比较大的困难),所以对于他们的音乐,我们只能去感受,去猜测,因而一百个人就会有一百种不同的感受,可能这就是他们创作音乐的目的--自我感受。 Sigur Ros对于音乐的演绎是极具创造性的,这不仅体现在歌词上,而且还体现于一些个人性和发挥性的乐器演奏,从而获得前所未有的奇妙之音。例如Jonsi的拿手好戏就是用大提琴的琴弓去拉他的吉他,所以我们能在Sigur Ros的唱片里听到很多云雾弥漫般的奇特声效。而且他的声音更加是Sigur Ros中最突出的特点,他的假声演唱就如是THOM YORKE与唱诗班男童声的混合。 冰岛的歌手,好像都采尽了冰的灵气,透骨子里有一股冷峻。Bjork如是,Lhooq如是,Gus Gus如是,Sigur Ros也不例外。或者这是由于冰岛独特的自然环境。在这个火山与冰田混沌天成的岛国里,孕育着一批优秀的音乐家,他们比欧洲大陆的乐手多了一些世外桃源的仙灵之气,在美国的乐手眼中看来更是清高傲岸。Sigur Ros,就是典型的一队。 我一听就为之折服的,是主唱那把清澈的,不食人间烟火般的声音,绝尘得连为他和音的女声也相形见绌。想象一下 Geneva的Andrew Montgomery的高亢,加上My Bloody Valentine的的Bllinda Butcher缥缈,还有Bjork的寒意会是一种什么味道?!Sigur Ros的主唱犹如"Kinda出奇蛋"(注:玩具、食品、礼品,外面是鸡蛋型的巧克力,蛋里面装着不同的玩具)般可"一次过满足你三个愿望"。 1994 年的 1 月 4 日,Jon Por Birgisson (Jonsi) , Georg Holm (George)及Agust Aevar Gunnarsson 三个人来到一间小房间,利用他们有限的资金去实现多年的梦想 - 灌录他们的第一首歌。这盒 Demo 落在冰岛的 Smekkleysa Records 手上,富实验性的音符为乐队打开了他们音乐事业的第一页,乐曲也就马上被收录于 Smekkleysa 的一张 Compilation 中。 发展历程 处女大碟 Von (意指 : 希望)在 1997 年于冰岛面世,封面上的小女孩便是乐队名字的源由 - Jonsi 的妹妹 Sigur Ros (诗格洛丝),Von 才正式获世界性的发行。接下来的一年, Von Brigdi (意指 : 回收箱) 亦正式出版。当中的作品大部分是 Von 之歌曲的 Remix,而 Leit ad lifi 这首音乐亦带来乐队商业上第一次的成功,登上了 冰岛1998 年的那个夏天之榜首。新成员 Kjartan Sveinsson (Kerry) 亦于此时宣布加入。 重返录音室,四个小伙子埋首灌录第二张唱片。乐队此时大概仍未知道 Agaetis Byrjun (意指 : 一个美好的开始) 将会如此惊为天人,改变世界对冰岛与丝格洛丝的看法。这张叫他们仍然称心的作品,制作过程极度困难。制成品换来了名与利,却失去了 Agust。Agust 决定投身平面设计的决定曾为大家带来放弃的念头,但乐队最后还是一致认定要继续下去。诗格洛丝这四个字得以留至今是,还多得新鼓手 Orri Pall Dyrason 的加入,为乐队的声音带来新的尺度。 Agaetis Byrjun 于 1999 年正式推出。发行当日,诗格洛丝在 Icelandic Opera House 里举行的一场音乐会反应热烈,观众的热情让他们决定必须要继续下去。 Agaetis Byrjun 成为冰岛最佳销量大碟足足有一年之多,继而为乐队带来进军国际的机会。 2000 年,乐队签约於英国的 Fat Cat Records ,这张唱片随即在英美两地备受欢迎。这个伦敦Label 替乐队推出的一张 CD single 及 12 吋黑胶,成为了 NME 的 "Single Of the Week" 。于 2000 年尾已有无数美国唱片公司希望跟诗格洛丝签约,而四人最终选择的 MCA Records ,没有给予他们最多的价钱,却承诺提供最多的创作自由。 同年六月,乐队制作了 svefn-g-englar 的音乐短片;没有人会忘记当中各个来自 Perlan Theater Group 的唐氏综合症演员的表演。 2001 年的四及五月,诗格洛丝漫游北美,不少名人纷纷购票入场,只为感受他们与众不同的音乐。九月,四子发放了 vidrar vel til loftarasa 的短片。短片的背景是 1950 年代的冰岛,片内两个男孩的交往所暗示之同性恋问题马上成为了乐队留言板上最热门的话题。当中有人指出其中一个演员实为女孩,但无论是真是假,亦不会影响这条音乐短片的受欢迎程度。 2002 年,诗格洛丝除了为 Odin's Raven Magic 写了共六十分钟的管弦乐曲,更推出了万众期待的第三张大碟 ( ) 。又有谁会想过四个来自冰岛的男子会打造到一张这么黑暗与抽象的唱片,还成为了美国 Billboard Chart 的第五十二位?碟中的第一首乐曲被选为 ( ) 首张单曲,上了美国 Nielsen Chart 的第九位之馀,亦为诗格洛丝带来更多名气,及全球唱片销量过一百万张的成就。此曲自然地成为乐队的第三个音乐短片;由意大利人 Floria Sigismondi 所执导的 《Untitled 1》在 03 年二月面世,几个带著面具的小孩在黑雪中玩耍,当中之美感与信息为此片带来 MTV Europe Music Awards 2003 Best Video 的美誉。 2006年7月发行EP《S gl pur(Saeglopur)》。 2007年8月发行原声带《Hlemmur》。10月发行EP《Hlj malind(Hljomalind)》,11月发行《Hvarf-Heim》。 2008年发行专辑《Me Su Eyrum Vi Spilum Endalaustpilum Endalaust》。 2008年9月发行EP《Inn M r Syngur Vitleysingur》。 2009年发行专辑《We Play Endlessly》。11月发行EP《Gobbledigook Remixe》。 2011年发行现场专辑《Inn 》。 2012年发行EP《Ekki M kk》。5月发行录音室专辑。8月发行EP《Var 》。 2013年3月发行EP《Brennisteinn》,6月发行录音室专辑《Kveikur》,10月发行现场专辑《iTunes Festival: London 2013》。6月发行EP《 ve ur》。 据报道,乐队的专辑《 g tis byrjun》将会在2015年初重新发行。 乐队近期透露专辑《Von》和《()》将会在2016年重新发行,但是到目前为止并没有任何消息。 Sigur R s is an Icelandic post-rock band from Reykjav k, who have been active since 1994. Known for their ethereal sound, frontman J nsi Birgisson's falsetto vocals, and the use of bowed guitar,the band's music is also noticeable for its incorporation of classical and minimalist aesthetic elements. The band is named after J nsi's sister Sigurr s El n. J n r "J nsi" Birgisson (guitar and vocals), Georg H lm (bass) and g st var Gunnarsson (drums) formed the group in Reykjav k in January 1994.The band's name is Icelandic wordplay: while the individual words Sigur and R s mean, respectively, Victory and Rose, "Victory Rose" wouldn't be grammatically correct; the name is actually borrowed from J nsi's younger sister Sigurr s, who was born a few days before the band was formed, and then split into two words. They soon won a record deal with the local Sugarcubes-owned record label Bad Taste, because they thought the falsetto vocals were very cute and would appeal to teenage girls. In 1997, they released Von (meaning "hope") and in 1998 a remix collection named 'Von brig i' . This name is also Icelandic wordplay: 'Vonbrig i' means "disappointment", but Von brig i means "variations on Von". The band was joined by Kjartan Sveinsson on keyboards in 1998. He is the only member of Sigur R s with musical training, and has contributed most of the orchestral and string arrangements for their later work. International acclaim came with 1999's ' g tis byrjun' ("A Good Beginning"). The album's reputation spread by word of mouth over the following two years. Soon critics worldwide hailed it as one of the great albums of all time, and the band was playing support to established acts such as Radiohead. Three songs, " g tis byrjun", "Svefn-g-englar", and a live take of the then-unreleased "Nj snav lin" (later 'unnamed' "Untitled #4") appeared in the Cameron Crowe film 'Vanilla Sky.' The former two also subsequently appeared in the US version of the television series 'Queer as Folk'. Their music has also appeared in the TV series 24 with "N batter ", and CSI with "Svefn-g-englar". In 2004, Wes Anderson used "Star lfur" in 'The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou' as did the Emmy-winning 2005 TV film 'The Girl in the Caf '. In Enki Bilal's Immortel ('Ad Vitam') the song "Hjarta hamast (bamm bamm bamm)" is used. The song "Svefn-g-englar" was also used on V on 24 November 2009 and features prominently in 'Caf de Flore' released in 2011. The song "Andvari" was also used in 2010 film Remember Me. After the release of ' g tis byrjun', the band became well known for J nsi's signature style of reverb accentuated guitar work using a cello's bow. In 2001, Sigur R s christened their newly completed studio by recording an EP called R mur with an Icelandic fisherman named Steind r Andersen. The EP contains six songs, all of which feature Steind r Andersen reciting traditional Icelandic r mur poetry. Sigur R s accompany him on three songs. Two songs feature Steind r alone. The last song on the EP, "L kurinn", is a duet with Sigur ur Sigur arson. A thousand copies of the EP were printed and sold during the spring tour of 2001. The EP was sold in a blank-white-paper case. Drummer g st left the band after the recording of g tis byrjun and was replaced by Orri P ll D rason. In 2002, their highly anticipated follow-up album ( ) was released. Upon release all tracks on the album were untitled, though the band later published song names on their website. All of the lyrics on ( ) are sung in Vonlenska, also known as Hopelandic, a constructed language without semantic meaning, technically glossolalia, which resembles the phonology of the Icelandic language. It has also been said that the listener is supposed to interpret their own meanings of the lyrics which can then be written in the blank pages in the album booklet. In 2002, the band also wrote an original score for the Bodyscript dance production by Wayne McGregor Random Dance in collaboration with Sadler's Wells Theatre and the Arts Council England. Sigur R s collaborated with Radiohead in October 2003 to compose music for Merce Cunningham's dance piece Split Sides; Sigur R s's three tracks were released on the March 2004 EP Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do. Radiohead's contribution was not commercially released. Sigur R s' 1997 debut album Von found a US and UK release in October 2004. "Untitled 3" (a.k.a. Samskeyti) from the album is used on the video 6AM by film maker Carmen Vidal, winner of the 2006 Student Academy Award. "Untitled 3" is also used at the end credits of the indie drama movie, Mysterious Skin. It can also be heard in Skins and CSI: Miami and the British TV Documentary Protecting Our Children as well as during a section of the London 2012 summer Olympics on the BBC. "Untitled 4" from the album (also called "Nj snav lin") featured in the final scene of Vanilla Sky, and director Cameron Crowe commented, "We struggled to find an appropriate track to end the film with and then I went to see Sigur R s perform in Los Angeles and they played this song, "Nj snav lin", that was just perfect. I had to have it." Their fourth album, Takk... ("Thanks...") employs the distinctive sound of their second album in a more rock oriented structure with greater use of the guitar, and was released in September 2005. "Hopp polla" ("Hopping into puddles"), the second official single from Takk..., was released in November alongside a new studio remake of "Hafs l" ("Ocean Sun"), a song that was previously released on the band's 1997 debut, Von. "Hopp polla" was used in the trailers for the BBC's natural history series Planet Earth in 2006, as well as the closing credits for the 2006 FA Cup final, ITV's coverage of the 2006 Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, advertisements for the BBC's coverage of England games during the 2006 FIFA World Cup, on television advertisements for RT 's Gaelic games coverage in Ireland, and on an advertisement for Oxfam. It was also used in the final scene of the movie Penelope, for the trailer of the film Children of Men and for the trailer of the film Slumdog Millionaire. Following this, demand for the single grew. It was made more widely available by EMI in consequence. This song is also used in the trailer for the Disney movie Earth as well as in the 2011 film We Bought a Zoo. An extended S gl pur EP was released in July 2006 in most parts of the world and in August in the United States. Its original release was scheduled in May, but because of the sudden demand of "Hopp polla" it was pushed back from that date. Sigur R s recorded three new songs to appear on the EP ("Refur", " fri ur", and "Kafari"). In July 2006, Sigur R s finished a major world tour with stops in Europe, the United States (where they played a headline show at the Hollywood Bowl), Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Japan. Upon return to their homeland, Sigur R s provided a series of free surprise outdoor concerts throughout Iceland in July and August, playing in various venues such as abandoned bunkers and community coffee shops, all of which were included in the 2007 documentary film Heima. They also performed twice in the United States in February. In August 2007, a limited DVD+CD edition of the 2002 soundtrack to the documentary Hlemmur was released. Hvarf/Heim was released on 5 November (6 November in the U.S.), a double compilation album containing studio versions of previously unreleased songs - "Salka" "Hlj malind" (formerly known as "Rokklagi "), " G r" and "Von" on Hvarf, and acoustic studio versions of the songs: "Samskeyti" , "Star lfur" , "Vaka" , " g tis Byrjun", "Heys tan" and "Von", on Heim. On the same day (20 November in the U.S.) Heima, a live DVD of the previous summer's Iceland tour, was released. Just prior to the release of Hvarf/Heim, on 29 October, a single named "Hlj malind" was released. The 2007 feature-length documentary from Sigur R s's summer tour in Iceland, which occurred in 2006, emphasizes on showing the band's homeland. Therefore, the film was called "Heima", which means "at home". In the movie, the band members express their interpretation of the meaning of "Iceland". The film is consecrated on three elements; the band playing live, the Icelandic nature serving their music, along with interviews, where they tell the viewers how it felt to play at home and their experience of the tour. As a result, the movie clearly explains what the band thinks of the word "Home". To promote their film Heima, the band scheduled a series of premiere screenings throughout the world, featuring a short acoustic set before the film and a question-and-answer session afterwards. The band's fifth regular studio album (pronounced, "with a buzz in our ears we play endlessly"), recorded with producer Flood in downtown Reykjav k,was released in June 2008 to generally positive reviews. Stylistically different from their earlier releases, it featured fewer strings and more guitar, and had more pop-oriented songs, making it "the group's most accessible effort" while maintaining the "majestic beauty that defines the band's music." The final track "All Alright" is the band's first to be sung in English, though all the other lyrics are in Icelandic. The band were announced as a headlining act for the 2008 Splendour in the Grass Festival in Byron Bay, Australia,Latitude Festival 2008,and the 2008 La Route du Rock Festival in St Malo, France. In addition, the band performed a late-night set at the 2008 Bonnaroo Music Festival in Manchester, Tennessee,where they blew a speaker at the end of their second song. J nsi Birgisson commented, "The piano is exploding, I think," one of the few things spoken in English. The band released the first song from the album titled "Gobbledigook" for free on their website, along with a music video. On 8 June, the whole album was made available for free streaming on their website and In autumn 2008 Sigur R s embarked on a world tour supporting their newly released album. The band played as a four-piece without Amiina and the brass band, the first time the band had played as a four-piece in seven years. The tour started on 17 September 2008 in the United States, at the United Palace Theater in New York City, and finished with a concert in Reykjav k at Laugardalsh ll on 23 November 2008. The majority of the tour was European with the exception of concerts in the United States, Australia, Canada and Japan. The track "Festival" from the album features in the score of the 2010 film 127 Hours, providing the euphoric backing to the climax of the movie. It is also featured at the end of HBO mini-series "24/7 – Flyers-Rangers". The track "Untitled #7 (Dau alagi )" was also featured in the launch trailer for Dead Space. In 2009, J nsi embarked on a solo adventure with his first solo album "Go" (released in 2010).On 28 May 2009, Sigur R s announced that they had almost completed recording their latest album. The band said the album was taking form as a slower and more ambient record than both Me su eyrum vi spilum endalaust and Takk.... The music was also described as melodic but much less noisy and more "out there" than previous albums. The unnamed album was expected to be released sometime in 2010. However, the band later revealed that the recordings had been scrapped. In a 2010 interview, J nsi confirmed "We haven't got another album ready", he said. "It was just a rumour. We started to record something, but then we chucked it all away. So I think we are going to have to start it all again". Without further word on the new album, Sigur R s were rumoured to be on indefinite hiatus as of January 2010.However, before taking the stage at Coachella in April 2010, J nsi commented that Sigur R s would be getting back to work that year: "I'm gonna record some other stuff with Sigur R s when I'm home", between a series of shows during his solo tour in summer 2010. On 1 February 2011, J nsi's official website announced that he would be back in the studio with the band over the spring. On 11 August 2011 Sigur R s's official website unveiled a trailer for a project called Inn , a DVD and double CD of the band's live performances in London, directed by Vincent Morisset. It was screened at the 68th Venice International Film Festival, and saw official release in November 2011. On 16 September 2011, the Inni album and live video became available to pre-order from the band's site in a variety of formats. Additionally, the band made the video for the song "Festival" available to watch online, as well as offering a free download of the audio from a live performance of the song. On 3 November 2011, following the UK premiere of Inni at the British Film Institute in London, the band members participated in a Q s. The band hinted at a new album and tour in the second half of 2012. On 24 January 2013, the band held a Q&A session via the social news website Reddit. Through this, the band announced the departure of Kjartan Sveinsson, saying "Yes, he has left the band. He said he spent half his life in the band and it was time to do something different." Kjartan's departure transformed the band into a "three piece band" (as referenced by the band itself.) A reissue of the band's second album, ' g tis byrjun', was announced by the band in early 2015. It was announced to feature previously unheard studio and live recordings as well as photographic and documentary material from their personal archives. The band has further teased expanded reissues of Von and ( ). However, as of April 2016, no news have surfaced about these box sets. They are currently working with the American producer John Congleton. (更多)

唱片公司 环球唱片
Extra sigur rós
Name sigur rós
原始名称 Sigur Rós
名称 sigur rós
国籍 冰岛
  • 胜利玫瑰
  • 西格尔·罗斯
  • 西格尔·罗斯,胜利玫瑰
  • 地区
  • 42
  • iceland 冰岛
  • 冰岛
  • 歌手详细介绍

    <info><id>9820</id><desc><![cdata[sigur rós 是一个来自冰岛的后摇滚乐团,他们的音乐掺揉着优美旋律、古典、实验等元素。></desc><basic><item><key><![cdata[外文名></key><value><![cdata[sigur ros></value></item></basic><group><member></member></group><other></other></info>

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  • 冰岛音乐团体
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  • 音乐团体
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  • 胜利玫瑰
  • 西格尔·罗斯
  • 西格尔罗斯
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