


by Eduardo Rivadavia Powersurge was a heavy metal band based in Tampa, FL, whose rather unimaginative and overly ponderous brand of American power metal resembled a poor man's version of contemporaries like Queensr che, Crimson Glory, and Fifth Angel -- hardly the makings of a successful career. Indeed, after being founded in 1984, the quintet featuring vocalist James Marra, guitarists Eddie Rice and Todd Boese, bassist Todd Dyer, and drummer Rudy Goryance (who replaced the improbably named Hal Loo) debuted with a 1986 EP helpfully titled Elements of Metal and then managed two full albums (an eponymous 1991 effort and 2002's Snow God) despite being received with widespread indifference, even within the heavy metal community. (更多)

原始名称 Powersurge
名称 powersurge
国籍 美国
地区 欧美
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
  • 硬摇滚 hard rock
  • 重金属 heavy metal
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