dead by april



Dead by April is a Swedish metalcore band whose debut single, "Losing You," was a chart-topping smash hit in 2009. Founded in 2007 in Gothenburg, Sweden, the band is comprised of Christoffer Andersson (vocals), Pontus Hjelm (guitar, vocals, programming), Zandro Santiago (vocals), Marcus Wessl n (bass), and Alexander Svenningson (drums). Dead by April made their recording debut in 2007 with a self-titled ten-track demo that circulated on the Internet. A greatly expanded 19-track version of the demo was released in 2008, once again distributed primarily on the Internet. Upon signing a major-label deal with Universal Music, Dead by April made their commercial recording debut in 2009 with the single "Losing You." It steadily climbed up the Swedish singles chart, lodging itself at number one for two weeks in May, around the same time the band made its full-length album debut with Dead by April. The album reached number two on the charts and spawned the follow-up single "What Can I Say." Dead By April toured all over the world including Europe, Japan and Scandinavia with success. In 2010, Hjelm left the group as a performer but stayed on as a songwriter, and was replaced by vocalist Zandro Santiago. The first release to feature his work was the early 2011 compilation Stronger, which featured heavier mixes of several songs as well as a Killing Joke cover. That spring, the band announced their second official album, Incomparable, was complete; it was released that September and made it to #2 in the album charts of Sweden. The band was on a constant tour throughout 2011 and 2012 all over the world, including their debut show in North America June 2012, sold out Webster Hall. The band is currently in the studio working on their follow-up album to be released in 2013. (更多)

别名 dead by april
Alias dead by april
Extra dead by april
Name dead by april
名称 dead by april
国籍 瑞典
  • Dead By April
  • Dead by April
  • 地区
  • sweden 瑞典
  • 瑞典
  • 歌手详细介绍

    <info><id>28066</id><desc><![CDATA[]]></desc><basic></basic><other><item><key><![CDATA[背景介绍]]></key><value><![CDATA[1.1 早期 在乐队成立之初也就是2007年跟2008年的时候,乐队并未发行任何实体专辑。他们把大多数的作品给到了他们擅长进行P2P传播的朋友手中。这段时间中他们大多在家乡哥德堡周围进行演出,并且孕育出他们的单曲专辑《FALLING BEHIND》。在2008年,乐队在“瑞典金属大奖”跟“匪徒摇滚大奖”中均被授予最佳新晋乐队的殊荣。1.2 首张专辑 首支单曲《LOSING YOU》在2009年3月6日发布于他们的MYSPACE,这首歌作为背景音乐在瑞典著名电视节目《Expedition Robinson》的播出为DEAD BY APRIL获得了不错的人气。在2009年5月13日,乐队在环球发布了他们的首张同名专辑《DEAD BY APRIL》。专辑包含了13首歌曲,其中11首歌曲都是根据早先的DEMO而来,还有两首新歌。2009年8月3日,乐队通过厂牌Spinefarm在英国发布了这张专辑。早在当年7月21日乐队在英国与Skindred一起演出之时,将在英国率先发布新曲《Angels of Clarity》,而新曲《What Can I Say》也将在瑞典首发。]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[成员]]></key><value><![CDATA[Jimmie Strimell – 主唱 Pontus Hjelm – 节奏吉他,主唱 Johan Olsson – 主吉他 Marcus Wesslén – 贝司,吉他 Alexander Svenningson – 鼓]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[大碟年鉴]]></key><value><![CDATA[3.1 录音室专辑 《DEAD BY APRIL》,2009年5月13日,环球唱片3.2 单曲 《FALLING BEHIND》,2007(收录于专辑DEAD BY APRIL) 《LOSING YOU》《WHAT CAN I SAY》《ANGELS OF CLARITY》,2009(收录于专辑DEAD BY APRIL)3.3 音乐录影带 《LOSING YOU》《ANGELS OF CLARITY》,2009(收录于专辑DEAD BY APRIL)<br/>]]></value></item></other></info>

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