nino rota

尼诺 罗塔


小档案 中文名 尼诺.罗塔 外文名 Nino Rota 星 座 射手座 出生地 意大利,米兰 出生日期 1911年12月3日 逝世日期 1979年4月10日 代表作品 电影配乐《教父》 艺人资料 尼诺.罗塔(1911年12月3日 -1979年4月10日)意大利作曲家,著名电影配乐师。常为电影配乐,曾与费里尼保持长达25年的合作,还以《教父》一、二部的配乐闻名于世。 在11岁时就写出一部清唱剧,后来到罗马圣塞西莉亚音乐学院(Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia)从卡塞拉和皮泽蒂学习。毕业后曾短暂留居美国,并开始创作电影配乐,一生共写了一百多部,包括不少费德里柯.费里尼及卢奇诺.维斯孔蒂的电影,却以《教父》及其续集最为知名。另外也写了很多古典音乐作品,包括10部歌剧及5部芭蕾舞。 罗塔的创作风格比较传统,特别擅长写作优美的旋律,作品广为传播,为大众所喜爱。 个人经历 意大利电影配乐大师,音乐教父,仅电影配乐就达150部左右,创出无数电影音乐经典,另外还有歌剧、管弦乐等作品。11岁时就有作品正式上演。毕业于米兰音乐学院,与费里尼合作二十余年,以意大利民谣和强悍的民风,谱写出大量脍炙人口的作品,其中最耀眼的是《教父》。但因旋律取自自己以前的作品,被剥夺奥斯卡资格。另一首著名电影作品是《罗密欧和朱丽叶》那缠绵悱恻的爱情主题。 他的母亲是一位出众的钢琴家,而他的祖父则是十九世纪的意大利著名作曲家Giovanni Rinaldi。幼年的尼诺秉承了家族的音乐才华,从小就显示出非凡的天分。他在11岁时创作了一部编制为独唱、合唱队和管弦乐队的圣乐作品《施洗者约翰的童年时代》,于1923举行了首演。和17年后出生的同胞、同行Ennio Morricone一样,尼诺.罗塔曾就读于意大利著名音乐学府--罗马圣切契里亚音乐学院。作为一位才华横溢的作曲家,他的创作范围非常广泛:歌剧、芭蕾、交响乐、室内乐、弥撒曲、圣乐和电影音乐几乎无所不包。其中有交响乐4部,歌剧8部,数首协奏曲、芭蕾舞剧和大量器乐作品,仅电影配乐一项就有140部以上。 而使得尼诺.罗塔名扬世界的正是他的电影音乐。他在这一领域的代表作,是1950年的英国影片《The Glass Mountain》,1954年意大利导演费里尼的名片《La Strada》(The Road)和1972年的《教父》。1974年的《教父》续集--《The Godfather,Part II》使尼诺.罗塔获得了奥斯卡最佳剧情片原作音乐奖。 尼诺.罗塔曾担任意大利东南部古城Bari(巴里)音乐学院院长达37年之久。他于1979年谢世,终年68岁。对于许多喜爱电影音乐的朋友来说,尼诺.罗塔的代表作之一--《教父》主题是百听不厌的。这是由Cincinnati Pops乐团演奏、Erich Kunzel指挥的《教父》主题。 1972年的《教父》中标题为"Sicilian Pastorale"(西西里田园)的一段配乐,在空寂、凄凉的英国管之后出现的双簧管和手风琴独奏乐段,正是整个系列片中爱情主题的核心。 另外一段配乐的标题是"教父华尔兹"(The Godfather Waltz),这是《教父》主题的变奏。 1968年他为意大利和英国合拍片《Romeo ",镜头这时从走下船舷的他和雷斯上校,摇回到片头第一个画面中出现过的,尼罗河那蓝色的、深不可测的水面上。 Life and career Giovanni "Nino" Rota (3 December 1911 – 10 April 1979) was an Italian composer, pianist, conductor and academic who is best known for his film scores, notably for the films of Federico Fellini and Luchino Visconti. He also composed the music for two of Franco Zeffirelli's Shakespeare films, and for the first two films of Francis Ford Coppola's 'Godfather' trilogy, receiving the Academy Award for Best Original Score for 'The Godfather Part II' (1974). During his long career Rota was an extraordinarily prolific composer, especially of music for the cinema. He wrote more than 150 scores for Italian and international productions from the 1930s until his death in 1979-an average of three scores each year over a 46-year period, and in his most productive period from the late 1940s to the mid-1950s he wrote as many as ten scores every year, and sometimes more, with a remarkable thirteen film scores to his credit in 1954. Alongside this great body of film work, he composed ten operas, five ballets and dozens of other orchestral, choral and chamber works, the best known being his string concerto. He also composed the music for many theatre productions by Visconti, Zeffirelli and Eduardo De Filippo as well as maintaining a long teaching career at the Liceo Musicale in Bari, Italy, where he was the director for almost 30 years. Orchestral, chamber and choral music Rota wrote numerous concerti and other orchestral works as well as piano, chamber and choral music, much of which has been recorded and released on CD. After his death from heart failure in 1979, Rota's music was the subject of Hal Willner's 1981 tribute album 'Amarcord Nino Rota', which featured several at the time relatively unknown but now famous jazz musicians. Gus Van Sant used some of Rota's music in his 2007 film 'Paranoid Park' and director Michael Winterbottom used several Rota selections in the 2005 film 'Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story'. Danny Elfman frequently cites Nino Rota as a major influence. Director Mario Monicelli filmed a documentary 'Un amico magico: il maestro Nino Rota' which featured interviews with Franco Zeffirelli and Riccardo Muti (a student under Rota at Bari Conservatory), and was followed by a German documentary Nino Rota - Un maestro della musica. Both explored film and concert sides of the composer. Operas His 1955 opera 'Il cappello di paglia di Firenze' ('The Florentine Straw Hat') is an adaptation of the play by Eug ne Labiche and was presented by the Santa Fe Opera in 1977. In 2005 his opera 'Aladino e la lampada magica' ('Aladdin and the Magical Lamp'), with Cosmin Ifrim in the title role, was performed in German translation at the Vienna State Opera and released on DVD. 'Il cappello di paglia di Firenze' and Aladino e la lampada magica are regularly staged in Europe as are many symphonic and chamber titles. Written for a radio production by RAI in 1950, his short opera, 'I due timidi' ('The Two Timid Ones'), was presented by the Santa Fe Opera as part of their pre-season "One-Hour Opera" program in May,June 2008. (更多)

出生地 意大利米兰
别名 尼诺 罗塔
原始名称 Nino Rota
名称 nino rota
国籍 意大利
地区 欧美
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
精选别名 尼诺 罗塔
翻唱 capodanno
  • 原声 soundtrack
  • 现代古典 modern classical
  • 电影原声 film score
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