the supremes

至高无上 diana ross the supremes 至高无上diana ross the supremes diana ross & the supremes


全球女子乐团的典范,也是最为畅销的单曲制造机,更是光荣进入名人摇滚殿堂、并成为黑人音乐大本营Motown唱片旗下最引以为傲的女子兵团!集歌唱外貌于一身的The Supremes,50年代中期成军之初,原名为Primettes,成员包含Diana Ross、Mary Wilson、Florence Ballard及Barbara Martin,60年在Lupine唱片发行一张单曲后,被Motown创始人Berry Gordy招揽旗下。刚开始,她们只是合音天使,后来更换团名成The Supremes,才独立出来录制专辑,并套换时尚亮眼装扮,将热情、欢愉的独特魅力展现在活泼流畅的曲目中,这时Barbara正式离团,剩下The Supremes三人组合的标准机制,Diana Ross也成为团中主唱及灵魂核心。 64年推出《Where Did Our Love Go》登上流行榜冠军后,也开始了The Supremes不凡的音乐事迹,更成为第一组登上英国金榜冠军的女子团体。表现相当突出的Diana在67年将团名改为Diana Ross & The Supremes,再经Berry的鼓励下于69年离团单飞,展现多艺长才,跨界演出电视剧及电影,连创佳绩在整个70年代。81年偕同Lionel Richie对唱的经典曲“Endless Love”攻顶排行冠军长达9周之久!同年她选择离开Motown唱片,也划下她在Motown的风光休止符! by Richie Unterberger The most successful black performers of the 1960s, the Supremes for a time rivaled even the Beatles in terms of red-hot commercial appeal, reeling off five number-one singles in a row at one point. Critical revisionism has tended to undervalue the Supremes accomplishments, categorizing their work as more lightweight than the best soul stars (or even the best Motown stars), and viewing them as a tool for Berry Gordys crossover aspirations. Theres no question that there was about as much pop as soul in the Supremes hits, that even some of their biggest hits could sound formulaic, and that they were probably the black performers who were most successful at infiltrating the tastes and televisions of middle America. This shouldnt diminish either their extraordinary achievements or their fine music, the best of which renders the pop vs. soul question moot with its excellence. The Supremes were not an overnight success story, although it might have seemed that way when they began topping the charts with sure-fire regularity. The trio that would become famous as the Supremes — Diana Ross, Mary Wilson, and Florence Ballard — met in the late 50s in Detroits Brewster housing project. Originally known as the Primettes, they were a quartet (Barbara Martin was the fourth member) when they made their first single for the Lupine label in 1960. By the time they debuted for Motown in 1961, they had been renamed the Supremes; Barbara Martin reduced them to a trio when she left after their first single. The Supremes first Motown recordings were much more girl group-oriented than their later hits. Additionally, not all of them featured Diana Ross on lead vocals; Flo Ballard, considered to have as good or better a voice, also sang lead. Through a lengthy series of flops, Berry Gordy remained confident that the group would eventually prove to be one of Motowns biggest. By the time they finally did get their first Top 40 hit, When the Lovelight Starts Shining Through His Eyes, in late 1963, Ross had taken over the lead singing for good. Ross was not the most talented female singer at Motown; Martha Reeves and Gladys Knight in particular had superior talents. What she did have, however, was the most purely pop appeal. Gordys patience and attention paid off in mid-1964, when Where Did Our Love Go went to number one. Written by Holland-Dozier-Holland, it established the prototype for their run of five consecutive number-one hits in 1964-1965 (also including Baby Love, Stop! In the Name of Love, Come See About Me, and Back in My Arms Again). Ross cooing vocals would front the Supremes decorative backup vocals, put over on television and live performance with highly stylized choreography and visual style. Holland-Dozier-Holland would write and produce all of the Supremes hits through the end of 1967. Not all of the Supremes singles went to number one after 1965, but they usually did awfully well, and were written and produced with enough variety (but enough of a characteric sound) to ensure continual interest. The chart-topping (and uncharacteristically tough) You Keep Me Hangin On was the best of their mid-period hits. Behind the scenes, there were some problems brewing, although these only came to light long after the event. Other Motown stars (most notably Martha Reeves) resented what they perceived as the inordinate attention lavished upon Ross by Gordy, at the expense of other artists on the label. The other Supremes themselves felt increasingly pushed to the background. In mid-1967, as a result of what was deemed increasingly unprofessional behavior, Ballard was replaced by Cindy Birdsong (from Patti LaBelle and the Bluebelles). Ballard become one of rocks greatest tragedies, eventually ending up on welfare, and dying in 1976. After Ballards exit, the group would be billed as Diana Ross its been reported that Wilson and Birdsong didnt even sing on their final hits, a couple of which (Love Child and Someday Well Be Together) were among their best. In November 1969, Ross imminent departure for a solo career was announced, although she played a few more dates with them, the last in Las Vegas in January 1970. Jean Terrell replaced Ross, and the group continued through 1977, with some more personnel changes (although Mary Wilson was always involved). Some of the early Ross-less singles were fine records, particularly Stoned Love, Nathan Jones, and the Supremes-Four Tops duet River Deep — Mountain High. Few groups have been able to rise to the occasion after the loss of their figurehead, though, and the Supremes proved no exception, rarely making the charts after 1972. It is the Diana Ross-led era of the 1960s for which theyll be remembered. (更多)

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Name the supremes
原始名称 The Supremes
名称 the supremes
国籍 美国
  • 至高无上 diana ross the supremes
  • 至高无上,diana ross & the supremes
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  • united states of america 美国
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  • 歌手详细介绍

    <info><id>927</id><desc><![CDATA[]]></desc><basic></basic><other><item><key><![CDATA[简介]]></key><value><![CDATA[The Supremes乐队是60年代在美国流行乐坛盛及一时的女子三重唱组合,是美国最著名最有影响力的乐队之一,在美国音乐发展历程上有着不可忽视的重要地位。在当时的白人和黑人中间有极高的人气,是少有的可以跨界的人气组合。她们也成为了全球女子乐团的典范,也是最为畅销的单曲制造机,更是光荣进入名人摇滚殿堂、并成为黑人音乐大本营Motown唱片旗下最引以为傲的女子兵团!]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[乐队介绍]]></key><value><![CDATA[集歌唱外貌于一身的 The Supremes,50年代中期成军之初,原名为Primettes,成员包含Diana Ross、Mary Wilson、Florence Ballard及Barbara Martin,60年在Lupine唱片发行一张单曲后,被Motown创始人Berry Gordy招揽旗下。刚开始,她们只是合音天使,后来更换团名成The Supremes,才独立出来录制专辑,并套换时尚亮眼装扮,将热情、欢愉的独特魅力展现在活泼流畅的曲目中,这时Barbara正式离团,剩下The Supremes三人组合的标准机制,Diana Ross也成为团中主唱及灵魂核心。]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[乐队成员]]></key><value><![CDATA[50年代中期成军之初,原名为Primettes,成员包含Diana Ross、Mary Wilson、Florence Ballard及Barbara Martin,后来Barbara正式离团,Diana Ross也成为团中主唱及灵魂核心。相较于其他三位的资料很难寻找,知名度最高的戴安娜 罗丝虽然唱功不是最好的,但是凭借良好的外貌,成为乐队最成功,最为人熟知,资料最多的一个。 戴安娜 罗丝(Diana Ross) Diana Ross,全名Diana Ernestine Ross,1944年3月26日出生于美国底特律的一个黑人家庭。Diana Ross从小迷恋音乐,嗓音高亢,蕴含着深深的绝望感,由她担任主唱的“至高无上”组合,15首歌曲全部进入美国20佳行列,前后共有10首成为冠军歌曲。1964年推出《Where Did Our Love Go》登上流行榜冠军后,也开始了The Supremes不凡的音乐事迹,更成为第一组登上英国金榜冠军的女子团体。表现相当突出的Diana在67年将团名改为Diana Ross &amp; The Supremes,再经Berry的鼓励下于69年离团单飞,展现多艺长才,跨界演出电视剧及电影,连创佳绩在整个70年代。1970年,“至高无上”的最后一首冠军歌曲“将来我们会相聚”宣告了这一组合的正式解散。此后她又向影坛发展,是第一个获奥斯卡奖提名的黑人女演员。当然,Diana的主要成就还是在音乐方面。唱片集《早晨之吻》销量一举打破世界纪录。1972年,她被评选为最佳女歌唱家。1974年又被誉为最佳女歌星。1981年偕同Lionel Richie对唱的经典曲“Endless Love”攻顶排行冠军长达9周之久!同年她选择离开Motown唱片,也划下她在Motown的风光休止符! 1982年,Diana在奈尔·罗斯的帮助下,录制了专辑《Diana》,取得了有生以来最大的成功。到目前为止,Diana一共拥有18首冠军单曲,成为拥有冠军歌曲最多的女歌手。被誉为美国流行乐坛的黑珍珠。]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[著名专辑]]></key><value><![CDATA[最大的支安打 Motown摩城唱片,1988年12月 我听到一首交响乐 Motown摩城唱片,1966年2月 <br/>金 Motown摩城唱片,2005年4月 江南演唱会 <br/>]]></value></item></other></info>

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