
anthony & sarah garcia anthony & sarah garcia anthony & sarah garcia


Formed in the North Carolina coastline community of Wrightsville Beach in 2001, the riff-fueled, distortion-driven rock of ASG that can be found on their latest effort has actually been at the band's core since its inception.  Initially forming as a three-piece instrumental project, due to the lack of a dedicated vocalist, ASG were intensely focusing on devising tight, driving guitar riffs, locking guitarist Jason Shi in with the rhythm section of bassist Andy Ellis and drummer Scott Key.  But as time passed and no vocalist was found, Shi was eventually forced to step up to the mic.  With Shi becoming more comfortable as a frontman, the group found themselves connecting with Volcom Entertainment, who signed the band and put them in the studio in 2003, to record their debut album, ...The Amplification of Self Gratification.  In 2005 ASG found themselves in a proper studio with proper producers, Matt Hyde and Phil Caivano, recording their sophomore album, Feeling Good Is Good Enough, an album that summoned all the band's potential and spawned a thunderous hard rock creation that equaled what the band had been working towards for the past 3 years.  Shortly after completing Feeling Good Is Good Enough, second guitarist, Jonah Citty, was added to help recreate the album's sounds live, which was none too soon as the band quickly found themselves on the road with the likes of The Sword, Torche, Dwarves, and CKY.  In June 2007 ASG returned to Los Angeles to record their fourth album, entitled Win Us Over, with Matt Hyde again.  Win Us Over, is a vivid, psychedelic, and panoramic thrust that is just as much for the ears as it is for the aura; an experience  In late 2011, Relapse Records announced the signing of North Carolina’s finest psychedelic, stoner-punks ASG! Impossible to pigeonhole, ASG has been wheelin’ and dealin’ in kick-ass rock n’ roll since forming in 2001. The band has previously released four albums with including their most recent, critically acclaimed effort Win Us Over in 2007. ASG has gained a reputation for their wildly energetic live shows, and has found themselves on the road with heavy-hitters Motorhead, The Sword, CKY, Fu Manchu, Torche and The Dwarves among others.  ASG plan to enter the studio in February 2012 to record their highly anticipated Relapse debut with producer Matt Hyde (Slayer, Children of Bodom, Fu Manchu). Additionally, the band has confirmed a string of Southern U.S. Dates in January plus a special appearance at next year’s Hellfest in France. 

Extra asg
Name asg
别名 anthony & sarah garcia
名称 asg
国籍 美国
精选别名 anthony & sarah garcia
  • ASG
  • Asg
  • 地区
  • united states of america 美国
  • 美国
  • 歌手详细介绍

    <info><id>113342</id><desc><![CDATA[]]></desc><basic></basic><other><item><key><![CDATA[ASG]]></key><value><![CDATA[ASG 是手机系统内部的音乐文件初始保存格式,所有音乐文件加载到手机内存后都会自动转存为这个格式,优点是占用空间小、系统兼容性好、破解率高。由于不是公开使用的软件版本,你是下载不到的。]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA]></key><value><![CDATA[这是Cross Fire的V.0.2.5版本中新推出的一把Sniper(狙击枪),拥有强大的破坏力和连发功能,再也不用为一枪一发而烦恼了。 <br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[ASG]]></key><value><![CDATA[英文名:ASG性别:乐队组合所属地区:欧美生日:星座:血型:专辑数:4 <br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[公司澳大利亚]]></key><value><![CDATA[ASG公司是美国一家致力于大型机系统性能管理工具软件开发和服务的公司,它针对IBM z系列平台开发了性能管理系列产品ASG-TMON Products for OS/390&amp;&amp;z/OS,以及针对SYSPLEX的ASG NaviPlex产品。这些产品通过ASG-TMON产品特有的NaviGate可实现各产品之间的相互调用。<br/>ASG中国区总经理刘百遒先生说,现今的业务系统对计算机的依赖程度越来越高,计算机的性能管理也越来越重要。影响系统性能的因素很多,如硬件的配置,应用软件的设计和编程,操作系统、网络和数据库的性能都可能成为影响系统性能的瓶颈。系统性能问题所代表的不仅是性能本身,如果不及时解决,可能还会导致系统崩溃。如何在众多复杂因素的干扰下,尽快地找出影响系统性能的瓶颈,有效地进行性能管理、量化和分析,是每个CIO都非常关心的问题。而ASG公司正是了解了用户的这种需求,帮助系统的管理者提供了这种可以有效地进行系统性能管理的软件工具。<br/>ASG-TMON产品可对系统进行实时联机监控、系统近期运行情况回放及系统运行历史(长期)数据报表分析。对系统的实时监控,可使用户随时了解系统的运行状况,同时可根据系统实际情况对系统各资源设置相应的预警值,当系统出现潜在问题时及时报警,避免系统出现严重问题,以提高系统的可用性。<br/>ASG-TMON产品对系统的开销不大,且允许用户对数据采集的对象和间隔进行客户化,尽量减少其对系统的开销。同时,ASG-TMON产品还可使系统管理人员利用提供的工具和手段从系统的角度帮助应用开发人员进行问题的分析和问题的定位,由此来提高分析和解决问题的效率。<br/>刘百遒说,使用ASG-TMON产品肯定会给用户的系统运行和管理带来事半功倍的效果,ASG更将在愈加繁荣的中国市场上逐步建立起本地化的服务队伍,为中国用户提供更好的支持。<br/>]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[ASG]]></key><value><![CDATA[ASG变速箱属于AMT变速箱,国内海马丘比特的ASG变速箱是德国格特拉克的技术,在国内进行合资生产;源自欧版三菱Clot匹配的动力系统(三菱发动机+5ASG/6ASG),在同平台的SMART FORFOUR上也有应用(变速器为5AMT)。ASG也有类似的自动变速箱的爬行功能。在启动和倒车时,丘比特ASG也可以在不给油的情况下缓慢爬行。丘比特ASG是6速的,一般档位越多,燃油的效率也高,因而油耗相对也变低了!]]></value></item></other></info>

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